Part 15

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Roli & Siddhant started practising the steps...

It was very much realistic being both were classical dancers...

The expressions of missing feeling shown by Roli...

Then She is going in search...

Then finding him on the way...

He is pulling her from behind...

Then they dance together in happiness...

Each & every steps were excellent to the core...

In just few time of practices they were ready for the programme to perform...

Siddhant: Perfect... 

Roli smiled...

Roli: Ok.. i am leaving now...

Siddhant: You are leaving now... Oh Yes!!! you are getting late.. you might have not told at home too.. tomorrow inform your parents that you will be getting late to return... you performed excellent...

Roli: Yes i am getting late.. i need to tell home.. but why... we already finished practising.. it is enough to just rehearse on previous day of the programme... you too performed brilliant...

Siddhant: Are you sure.. no need for practice in the middle... I think we need to.. so that we dont miss any steps... i wish you practice with me...

Roli: Do you think we really miss any steps.. i dont think so.. i will inform my parents...

Roli just rushed out of the room...

Siddhant smiled...

Next day... 

When they were practising...

When Siddhant hold her hand while dancing... from behind...

He stopped making further steps and moved towards her holding her hand...

Roli was wondering what is he doing now...

He wrapped his hand around her holding her hand from behind...

He back hug her tightly...

Siddhant closed his eyes to feel the closeness...

Roli was shocked...

She was wondering what to react... how to react...

Roli: Siddhant...

Siddhant: Hmm...

Roli: Lets leave... 

Roli released his grip from her and tried to move from him...

Siddhant hold her hands...

He slowly pulled her towards him...

Siddhant went close to her face...

Their eyes meet each other...

They were lost in their eyes for a while...

Siddhant: Roli...


Siddhant moved towards her face...

Roli swiftly got her senses what he is trying to do...

Roli: Sid... Siddhant... i am leaving now.. 

Roli pushed him slightly and went to take her bag...

When she was about to leave the room...

Siddhant hold her hands again...

He pulled her towards him...

SIddhant: Roli... We will meet tomorrow... Wont you come to dance with me...

ROli: Yes.. we will meet tomorrow... Where can i go without coming to you...

Roli with a smile rushed out of the room leaving Siddhant smiling at her...

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