Pixie Panic

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It was a normal day for Camp Oasis. The birds were chirping, the flowers were blooming, on days like this demigods could just take some time to relax. And they probably would've if not for a slight... problem.


Pixies for some reason had decided to raid the camp for anything they could find and annoy all the campers they saw. It was strange behavior, especially since pixies usually didn't enter the camp. No one could figure out why they had suddenly thought it was a good idea to raid the camp but then again, they were too busy trying to get rid of them. 

It was only about halfway through the day of the pixies annoying pretty much everyone when Mitch realized something about the pixies. While they had been around pretty much the whole of camp, it seemed they were almost doing a sweep of camp, as if they were looking for something. 

Mitch relayed this to the counselors, who started thinking about what the pixies could be looking for. They were pretty sure that no one had even been near pixie houses before so then maybe they had something that the pixies liked and didn't realize?

They decided to test this theory out and look at the most recent items that had come into camp but no luck. They just couldn't find what the pixies could be searching for. 

All the counselors were sitting in the main lounge, trying to figure out what they should do about the problem. The other campers were busy hiding in their cabins and well they were only in the lounge so that they could speak about the issue. 

"I just don't get it, why would they come into Oasis today? It just doe-" Michael was interrupted mid-sentence by a shout coming from outside. No one recognized who the shout was coming from but they all rushed out only to gape at what they saw. 

Inmo was standing in the middle of a small group of pixies with Banjo sitting nearby. The pixies didn't seem to be annoying him however, instead, they seemed to be fluttering around him excitedly. What was most shocking though was the fact that Inmo was TALKING adamantly and the voice coming out his mouth sounded a lot like his singing voice. 

"It's so good to see all of you again! How are the pixie lands? People staying away from your houses? Steal anything good?"

"Inmo?" Ritchie asked in surprise, making Inmo yelp as he looked up and saw the counselors. The usually mute son of Hermes hid behind Banjo a little bit, knowing that he couldn't just turn invisible and run away from the counselors. 

"Uh, hi?" Inmo greeted, his voice sounding like it usually did. 

"Inmo, why are you talking to the pixies like they're old friends?" Michael asked the question all the counselors were wondering, especially his brother.

Inmo was silent for a moment before a pink pixie flew up beside his head and appeared to whisper something in his ear. He looked at her and nodded before turning back to the counselors. 

"I-I sort of g-grew up in p-pixie l-lands. T-they are s-sort of l-like my f-family other than C-colin and R-ritchie." Inmo managed to stutter out, shocking all of the counselors, including Ritchie. Unlike the rest of the counselors however, Ritchie managed to shake it off and he stepped forward so that he could meet with the pixies. 

"So you're Inmo's other family?" The pink pixie from before flew up in front of Ritchie and nodded, making him smile as he said. "Well then it's nice to meet you officially, I'm his older brother, Ritchie."

The pixies looked at each other before smiling and one even flew up to pat him on the head as if saying 'you're alright'. Then Ritchie seemed to realize something. 

"Hm, we had our suspicions that you were looking for something when you flew in today, was it Inmo that you were looking for?" A blue pixie gave a huffed expression even as the others nodded. Inmo looked at them in surprise and asked. "H-how long h-have you g-guys been h-here?"

"Since this morning," Kaykrae told him and Inmo's eyes widened. "O-oh, I w-was off with B-banjo most of t-this morning. I d-didn't realize they were f-flying in today."

The pixies looked at each other before the pink pixie flew back up to Inmo but this time she gave him a tiny smack to the face. When he looked at her in surprise, she just started yelling at him, her voice coming out in little bells for them. 

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry! I didn't think you were actually gonna fly in! It took me weeks to ge-..... are you serious? It only took you an hour? How do pixies fly that fast? Huh? Tell me! .... No? Ah man." The counselors were surprised to hear Inmo talking in what was usually his singing voice once more. Then they realized something. 

"Wait, you knew they were planning on coming?" Michael asked, his eyes narrowed. 

Inmo turned to them and said nervously. "Well, t-they did send m-me a m-message saying they w-were gonna f-fly in but I didn't t-think t-they'd get here s-so quickly."

"Do you realize the havo-" Before Michael could finish his sentence, Ritchie stopped him, shaking his head at the son of Athena before turning to Inmo. "Inmo, next time you get a message from them, please inform us about it so that we're not unprepared."

While Inmo looked a little confused at that, he nodded before going back to talking with the pixies. The counselors appointed Ritchie to keep an eye on Inmo and the pixies for the rest of the day and so Ritchie saw his brother being the most talkative he had ever been. When the pixies finally left, Ritchie put an arm around his brother, startling him. 

"You know, I think that's the most I've ever seen you talk." Ritchie commented. 

Inmo huffed and didn't say anything, making Ritchie laugh as his point was made. 

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