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AN: This one shot was suggested by phoeinxorigins100

Mario was walking to the stables to meet up with Xylo one day when heard the sound of footsteps behind him. He turned but he didn't see anyone behind him. Figuring it was just some animal, he turned to continue on his path but before he could get any further he felt someone hit him over the head and everything went dark. 

Xylo was heading over to meet up with Mario, his cheeks flushed at the thought of hanging out alone with Mario. To be honest, the son of Hades had a huge crush on the son of Zeus but he was too afraid to tell him. He was pretty sure that Mario liked Kaykrae anyway so he definitely didn't stand a chance with him. 

He was almost to the stables when suddenly an arrow whizzed past him, missing his head by a few millimeters. Instantly, he turned to look at the arrow, only to see that it was now pinning a note against a tree. Hesitantly, Xylo walked over and removed the arrow and the note. 

Hello there young son of Hades, we noticed that you seemed quite close with that son of Zeus and we can't have that. No lord of ours will have contact with anything related to that lightning b*stard in the sky. We just thought we'd inform you that we are currently in the process of getting rid of the problem in the lower Fields of Punishment if you would like to view it. Signed, The Furies. 

Reading the note, his heart nearly stopped in his chest. They were- The thought caused rage to build in his chest. Those Furies thought they could touch HIS Mario and get away with it? Oh no, oh no they wouldn't get away with it. 

Not a chance.

When the demigods saw the usually calm son of Hades storm through the camp, they grew concerned. The son of Hades was very hard to anger and even if you did anger him, it was more of like a cold rage, not the full-blown steaming rage that Xylo was emitting at the moment. 

"Xylo?" Austin grabbed his brother and pulled him to the side. Though they had found out they weren't actually brothers, they had decided to keep acting as if they were as they really did care about one another. So the way that his brother was acting concerned Austin very greatly. "Is something wrong?"

"They took him." Xylo's voice nearly shook with rage. 

"Wait who took who?" Austin asked, not only concerned for his brother now but also whoever had been taken. 

"THE FURIES TOOK MARIO!" Xylo nearly yelled and it only took that instant for Austin to get why his brother was so angry.

"Xylo, you need to calm down and think about this logic-"

"What would you do if it was Bri?" Austin's eyes went wide. He hadn't realized that it was that sort of situation. "Xylo, I know you're worried about him but if you don't calm down, you could just make things worse."

Those words seemed to get through to the son of Hades and he finally calmed down. Before Austin could say anything more, however, Xylo got a look in his eyes and he ran off, this time with a determined look in his eye.

Meanwhile, Mario had woken up to find himself in a very unfamiliar place with three monsters around him.  He tried to move but he found his limbs restrained by ropes. 

"Ah, he's awake." One of them said as it put a hand on his chin. "Hello son of Zeus, we noticed you've become a bit too cozy with our lord's son."

"Lo-" Before he could finish, another one of the furies slapped him across the face. "We didn't say you could speak now did we?"

The three let out an evil chuckle as the first one continued. "Anyways, we're just here to take care of you before anything happens. Isn't that right sisters?"

The other two furies nodded before the first one brought her claws up as if to slash Mario across the face. Mario, knowing he could do nothing in his current state, just closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable. 

Then suddenly, the furies were screeching loudly. Mario's eyes snapped open only to stare as Xylo stood in front of him, his sword out and prepared to destroy the furies.

"My lord, what are you-"

"Leave," Xylo ordered in a hard, cold voice that Mario had never heard before. 


"I SAID LEAVE! YOU HAVE DONE ENOUGH HARM!" The furies ran for their lives after that even as Xylo turned back to him and untied him while frantically asking if he was ok, if they had hurt him. He didn't even have a chance to respond as Xylo pulled him in for a hug as soon as the ropes were gone. He hugged back but was shocked as he felt a wetness start to grow on his shoulder, Xylo shaking a little bit. 

"I'm fine, Xylo, really, I am." He tried to reassure the son of Hades. "It's ok-"

"It's not ok! They almost kill- and I almost didn't make it- and I would've lost you-" Xylo rambled out as he pulled away from him a little, making it so that he could easily see the tears running down his face. "I could've lost you before I even got the chance to tell you-" Here he stopped. 

"Tell me what?" Mario asked in confusion and Xylo looked away. "Xylo, tell me what?"

"That I love you, ok!" Xylo admitted, making Mario freeze as he continued. "I love you and I have since before you even asked me to help you figure out your dad. I've been too dang afraid but I almost lost you today and I'm not going to risk that I might not get to tell you again so-" Here Xylo stopped and laughed. "... I'm sorry, I know you don't like me like that, I just needed to get it off my ches-"

Before Xylo could finish, Mario covered his mouth with his lips. Xylo's eyes went wide before he kissed back, wrapping his arms around Mario's waist and Mario wrapped his arms around his neck. The kiss said everything that Xylo needed to know, as did Mario's next words. 

"I love you too, Xylo."

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