Mama Bear

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Though Michael didn't show it very often, he was quite protective of what he considered his. He didn't have much in terms of friends and family, thus why he was so devastated by Kaitlyn's death, and so he tried to keep them as safe as possible. 

Before it was easier as he only had to worry about Ritchie and well, Ritchie could take care of himself. He didn't need to worry as much about the ginger son of Hermes. Then Austin had come into the picture and he found himself worrying a lot more. 

At first, he didn't care that much about the son of Apollo, what with his childishness actions, but Austin soon grew on him. Though he did wish that Austin would stop calling him mom, in a way, it felt nice. He couldn't explain why but it did. And with him running after Austin to make sure he didn't get into trouble so much, he might as well be the parent. And thus he was very protective of Austin, almost more so than Ritchie. 

An example of this could be taken from the other day when they were in the cafeteria. Austin was over talking to Xylo as the two had decided to reconcile after the ball and stick with each other as brothers in all but blood. Michael and Ritchie were sitting nearby having their own lunch with Ritchie doing a little bit of flirting that caused Michael to blush. 

Unbeknownst to them, Xylo been having a rough day and well, Austin's constant chatter wasn't helping any. Not to mention, Austin didn't register the irritation on the son of Hades' face until...

"Look Austin can you just shut up?"  

There was dead silence in the cafeteria as everyone looked to the usually calm son of Hades. Austin looked particularly taken aback and, when Xylo realized what he had said, he had gone to apologize, only for the son of Apollo to run out of the room with tears going down his cheeks from the way that his 'brother' had snapped at him.

Silence had continued to ring throughout the hall until Michael stood up from his place. The short son of Athena calmly walked over to Xylo and, upon reaching him, just gave him a look of complete disapproval and hatred. Xylo shrunk in his seat seeing this look but before he could say anything in his defense, Michael socked him in the jaw. 

Still not saying a word, the son of Athena left the hall leaving Xylo nursing a bruised jaw and his best friend staring after him in shock. 

Half an hour later, the ginger found Michael and Austin curled up in front of his cabin, fast asleep against each other. Finding the sight too adorable, Ritchie ran inside and grabbed a camera before coming back out to take a bunch of photos. He then looked at the two and, after deciding he couldn't leave them there, carried them one at a time into his cabin. He set both of them on his bed before crawling in between the two so that he could hold both of them. 

When they next woke up and Michael saw where he was, the son of Athena nearly punched the son of Hermes into next week, but he instead opted to make sure that Austin was ok first. 

"I'm fine, mom!" Austin told him with a cheeky grin, even as he gave the shorter a hug to show that he was truly alright.

"I'm not your- fine whatever." Michael sighed hugging him back. 

Xylo came up personally to apologize for snapping at Austin, to which the son of Apollo understood and forgave him, though Michael continued to glare at Xylo for a while afterwards. No one upset Austin and got away with it in his book. 

Though when people found out the reason for the glares, the nickname 'Mama Bear' quickly spread throughout the camp, making Michael sigh while Ritchie and Austin just laughed. 

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