Overprotective Best Friends

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After their mission for the tomb juice, Daveed, Inmo, and Austin had all become very good friends. One might even say best friends. The three of them started to get together for little hangouts and such away from the camp of course since Inmo was really shy. No one knew about this, however, not that they were trying to hide it, no, they just generally weren't seen around each other so no one thought that they would be friends. It wasn't until a particular incident that this information was found out.

Austin sniffled as he walked through camp despondingly. He had been hanging out with Bri, trying to get her attention as usual, but then she had yelled at him. He just felt so hurt that he couldn't help but cry even as he made his way back to his cabin.

Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Turning, he didn't see anyone but he knew what that meant. "G-Ghost Eyes?"

"Aou, why are you crying?" The slightly strained voice of Inmo asked, sounding concerned.

"Its nothing, I'm fine..." He shook his head, not wanting to worry the younger demigod.

If Inmo were visible right now, Austin was sure that he would be frowning even as the son of Hermes grabbed his hand and started dragging him.

"Ghost Eyes!" He exclaimed, startled by the sudden dragging. Inmo didn't bother to explain, he just dragged the other up to and into Daveed's cabin, startling the ginger from where he was sitting on his bed even as Inmo tugged off his cloak.

"Uhhhh?" Daveed asked in confusion.

"He's being sad and won't tell me why," Inmo said simply.

"I'm fine!" Austin protested.

"Says the guy who has red eyes and was dragged here by our favorite Ghost Eyes." Tugging the son of Apollo so that he was sat next to him, Daveed asked protectively. "So, who do I have to kill?"

"Wha- No one! I'm fine!" Austin tried to protest even as Inmo sat on the other side of him.

"Truth or me and Ghost Eyes will tickle you." Daveed threatened, making Austin try to scramble off the bed, to which he was unsuccessful as Inmo grabbed him to make sure he wouldn't getaway.

"Truth, now," Inmo ordered making Austin sigh. "... Bri yelled at me..."

Both of his friends went stiff at that and before he could stop him, Daveed had stood up and left the cabin, making Austin's eyes go wide as he chased after him, Inmo close behind.

"Rejection! Daveed! No! Stop!" Austin tried to stop the son of Momus but the ginger wasn't listening so he turned to Inmo. "C'mon Inmo, please help me stop him."

Inmo just shook his head, however, and if one looked closely, they could see the protectiveness in his eyes as well.

Daveed had gone stomping across half of camp to see Bri talking with Michael and Ritchie. Not caring about the two counselors, he walked over and growled out. "You got some explaining to do missy!"

The three demigods turned his direction in confusion, completely surprised when Daveed glared hard at Bri. 

"What's all this about?" Michael asked but before Daveed could reply, Austin caught up and grabbed his arm. "Daveed, just stop, it's fine!"

"It's not fine, Austin." Ritchie was surprised when his little brother stepped out as well, tugging Austin away from Daveed even as he continued in the clearest voice the ginger had ever heard. "She made you cry, that's not ok."

"Excuse me? What did I do?" Bri demanded looking surprised. 

"Don't act like you don't know!" Daveed growled out even as Inmo said. "I found him crying and acting miserable because you had yelled at him."

"Its not that big of a deal! I just get upset easy you know this! Remember the campfire incident!" Austin exclaimed making Inmo and Daveed snort even as the other three looked at them in confusion.

"It's hard to forget the campfire incident." Inmo snickered before saying. "Still though, I don't appreciate that whatever she yelled at you for made you cry."

"It's fine! You two are just making it a bigger deal than it has to be." Austin whined. "You guys always do this!"

"We don't "always" do this!" Daveed objected. 

"What about that time with the neme-" "In our defense, that thing almost ate you." Inmo cut him off and he tried again. "Or what about when that lad-" "She tried to seduce you and Inmo, how I was supposed to react?" Daveed cut in protectively. 

"Um? What are you guys talking about?" Ritchie asked, sounding a little concerned. 

"Sometimes when we hang out we run into weird things and half the time, these two or Daveed at the least, get super overprotective," Austin told him. 

"I didn't even know that you hung out?" Michael piped up and the three exchanged glances before Austin said. "Well yeah, we hang out all the time, mostly away from camp though since Inmo is shy."

"Mhm." Inmo nodded and Daveed started to nod before he groaned and said. "Anyway, we're getting off-topic, you-" He turned to Bri. "How dare you yell at him and make him cry."

"Look, I didn't mean to make him cry. He was getting on my nerves earlier so I did yell at him but it was not meant to be mean." Bri then turned to Austin and said. "I'm sorry for making you cry."

"I-Its fine, really." Austin gave her a small smile before turning to Inmo and Daveed telling them that they'd better not do anything. 

"I guess, it's fine. But listen here missy, if I ever find out that you made him upset again, we're gonna have problems." Daveed growled out, Inmo nodding in agreement. Bri held up her hands in surrender and the two nodded satisfied. 

"Thanks, guys, campsite tonight?" Austin asked his best friends with a grin. 

"You know it." Daveed grinned. 

"I'll be there after I take care of Banjo." Inmo nodded. 

Inmo and Daveed nodded to the other three before saying their goodbyes and leaving Austin to face the questions of how the three of them had become friends. Austin didn't really mind though, he was all too happy to talk about his best friends to his girlfriend, mama bear and papa bear. 

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