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AN: So this takes place after the finale.

Kaykrae was feeding Gary (who had indeed returned from the bubble dimension) when she heard a loud thump come from Mario's cabin. Curious, she walked up to the cabin, but just as she was about to knock on the door, she heard quiet whimpers coming from inside the cabin. 

Instantly, she got concerned and opened the door to her boyfriend's cabin to see a heartbreaking sight. Mario was curled up on the floor of the cabin with the blanket tangled around him as he whimpered in his sleep. 

She wasted no time slithering over to the sleeping son of Zeus and picking him up. She sat him on the bed once more but he still whimpered. With a frown, she shook his shoulder, trying to wake him up. 

With a start, he woke up, though the moment he laid eyes on her, he started tearing up. He buried himself into her side as the tears began to fall. She put her arms around him before asking after a moment. "What happened, Mario?"

He sniffled for a moment before stuttering out. "I s-saw y-you d-die over a-and over a-again." 

She pulled him close and told him gently. "It's alright, I'm here, I'm holding you right now."

Mario nodded but he was still crying. Kaykrae just kept whispering 'its ok' and 'I'm here' to him until he finally managed to calm down. Once he was finally calm, she kissed his forehead and told him in a soothing voice. "I'm not planning on dying again any time soon, alright?"

He nodded against her chest, still sniffling slightly, and just let her hug him. Eventually, he drifted off to sleep again, nestled against her side. Kaykrae looked down at him with a soft smile and pressed another kiss his head before wrapping her tail around him and falling asleep next to him, both dreaming pleasant dreams. 

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