You're Not Evil - OoOS2

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Suggested by: GoddessofWind8Water

Ricarro breathes heavily, clutching his hair as he looks around the room frantically, tears starting to drip down his cheeks as he looks around for whatever had slammed him into the ceiling like that. He didn't know what that was or why that was but he couldn't help but whimper in fear.

Then he heard it, loud thundering sounds coming from outside. He ran outside to check it out only to find red lightning striking the pyramid all around him. His eyes went wide and more tears started to go down his cheeks as the lightning increased in intensity.

"No. No no no no!" Ricarro shook his head frantically, he knew what this was. His chaos magic was causing this. It had happened a few times back home on mercury but he hadn't wanted to happen here. People could get hurt here, he didn't want that! Hurting people was mean! Hurting people was evil! He didn't want to be evil!

The lightning continued to strike down around him and he started to whimper once again as he tried to stop it. Tried to stop his magic. But it wasn't working! It wasn't working!

"Stop stop stop Stop STOP!" He felt the tears fall down his cheeks heavier as he failed to stop it. Feeling truly horrible, he ran inside sobbing, running into what he thought was his room.

Michael looked up as he heard the door to his room slam open. He was about to ask what the heck was going on when he saw a sobbing demon chibi standing at the door to his room.

"Ricarro? What's wrong?" When the demon chibi looked up, his eyes went wide and he immediately backpedaled. "Sorry sorry sorry sorry!"

Ricarro went to flee but Michael stopped him before he could get very far. The son of Horus caught his wrist and pulled him into a hug, gently wiping away Ricarro's tears.

"Hey, what's wrong, little demon?" Michael asked, meaning it as a nickname, not expecting the demon chibi to burst into a new round of tears. He quickly set about trying to calm Ricarro down, hugging him tightly and gently shushing him.

"A-am I evil? I d-don't wanna be evil. I d-don't wanna be l-like my d-dad. But I c-can't- I don't know h-how-" He can barely get that out before tearing up even more.

"Hey now, you're not your dad or evil," Michael said, trying to calm him down.

"B-but I c-can't control my p-powers a-and a-and I could h-hurt someone and I d-don't want to h-hurt anyone." Ricarro cries, covering his face with his hands as the sound of thunder starts to be heard from inside once again, making him begin to shake as he cries.

"Shh, shh, calm down." Michael tried to gently calm down the other, understanding that the other's powers were more than likely tied to his emotions. "It's alright, calm down, crying will only make things worse-"

That last statement just made Ricarro cry harder which was not Michael's intention. The son of Horus wracked his brains to think a way for him to calm the other down before getting an idea. He gently picks up the other and carries him over to the bed, sitting down and cuddling him.

Ricarro had yelped initially when he was picked up but quickly cuddled into Michael, tears still going down his face. Michael rocked the demon chibi as they cuddled, gently reassuring him that he wasn't evil, he would learn how to control his powers eventually, it would be alright.

Eventually, Ricarro calmed down and fell asleep in Michael's arms, gently purring into Michael's chest. Michael smiled down the demon chibi, continuing to rock him gently as to make sure the other didn't wake up.

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