My Queen, My Angel

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AN: This happens almost directly after Bryan makes his transformation into Evil Bryan with the black wings and all at the docks. I wrote most of this a while back but I decided to go ahead and share it for all ze Brakey shippers. 

Jakey couldn't help but cry. 

He never met to turn Bryan into this. The truth was he loved the son of Aphrodite but was too afraid to say it. And now he had driven his love to crave power. To let it consume him. His heart broke every time he saw Bryan. 

Today was no different as he collapsed at the edge of the ocean after his and Bri's confrontation. It was a stupid plan but... He just wanted Bryan back. He wanted the son of Aphrodite who was so nice and loved animals. He just wanted him back. He sobbed into his hands, not even realizing when a shadow covered him. He just wanted his Bryan back. 


After flying away from the two trying to control him, Bryan had just waited on top of a tree. He had no place to go for now so he was going to stay hidden until the right time. He had finally settled into a tree for the night when he heard crying. Looking around, he was surprised to see Jakey crying in the sand. 

Part of him wanted to go ask what was wrong, another part wanted him to go away, while another part said to get closer so that he could laugh at the one trying to control him's misery. He listened to the parts who wanted him to get closer and flew down behind Jakey. Jakey didn't even notice as he continued to cry into his hands. Bryan was about to say something when he heard Jakey saying something as he sobbed.

"I just want him back... I just want my Bryan back..." 

Bryan blushed a little, did Jakey just call him his? But he tried to control him... Wait was that why? He decided to listen more. 

"I knew I shouldn't have listened... Now he hates me even more than before... I'm an idiot." Jakey cried before he suddenly stopped and let out a chuckle that honestly scared Bryan. "...A stupid idiot and it's no wonder that no one cares about me." 

He continued to cry while occasionally muttering self-deprecating things. Bryan continued to listen but each time Jakey said something bad about himself he felt his heart break a little more. He desperately just wanted to go up to Jakey and tell him that he was here for him. 

Finally, he couldn't take it anymore and he said. "If you say one more bad thing about yourself I'm slapping you." 

Jakey turned as quick as a bee, very startled. He stared at Bryan for a solid minute before he started crying harder, covering his face as he did so. Bryan walked up to the other and gently uncovered his face. Jakey looked up at him, a little surprised even as Bryan grabbed his face in his hands. Bryan gently wiped one of the tear tracks with his thumb as Jakey stared at him with wide surprised eyes that continuously welled up with more tears. 

Then Bryan told him quietly. "I don't hate you."

"Y-you don't?" Jakey asked in surprise. 

"No." Bryan shook his head. "I do have to ask why you tried to use that potion on me Jakey?" 

Jakey looked like he was going to cry again. "Bri said that it would bring you back. That you would be back to the way I first met you. And... And I guess I believed her and I guess I just wanted to have you back because I listened to her and I'm sorry!" Jakey really did burst into tears at the end of his sentence. 

Bryan wrapped his arms around him and just held him, his black wings wrapping around the other demigod as well. Jakey felt so safe even as he cried. Something about being wrapped up in Bryan's wings was just comforting. 

Finally, towards the end of his crying, Bryan pulled back a little, kissed his forehead (making Jakey blush bright red), and told him. "Shh, my queen, everything is forgiven." 

Jakey still sniffled but nodded as he snuggled closer to Bryan. After a moment, Jakey fully calmed down and looked at the feathers surrounding him in fascination. He reached his hand out as if to touch them before pulling his hand back as he looked to Bryan for permission. Bryan gave him a soft smile and nodded his permission. Jakey reached out and touched his wing. 


 Bryan chuckled. "Glad you think so, my queen." 

"Queen?" Jakey had to ask the second time. 

"Well I suppose I could call you my princess but I like the idea of you being my queen more." Jakey blushed a little at that, making Bryan chuckle. "I'm yours?" He had to make sure. 

"Of course you are unless you don't want t-" 

"Yes!" Jakey interrupted him, snuggling closer, making Bryan chuckle. 

Bryan just looked down at him for a moment before saying. "Such a pretty Queen." 

Jakey blushed at that.

"Stop, your making me blush..." Jakey whined.

"But it's true! You, my queen, are beautiful." Bryan whispered into his ear. 

Jakey blushed again before he said. "Thank you, my angel." Bryan blushed a little himself at the nickname before smiling and just holding Jakey close, happy to have the other in his arms once more. 

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