Care Package OoOS2

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Suggested by AvianKing

"We're not doing this, Daveed, I refuse to let you send him that." Brandeen glared at his boyfriend sternly as the other tried to sneak in a bunch of pumpkin spice things into the care package. 

"But Brandeeeeeeeen, Lychee needs to keep da pumpkin spice in his lifeeeeee." Daveed whined before dropping another packet of pumping spice coffee brew into the box. 

Brandeen took it out glaring at his boyfriend even as he packed in a few ritual candles to send to their son. "No, Daveed, we're not sending him pumpkin spice, get over it."

"But Pumpkin Spice is literally the family businesssss." Daveed objected.




"Yes." Steps closer to Brandeen. 

"No." Hasn't noticed.

"Yes." Steps even closer, now right beside him.

"No." Still hasn't noticed.

"Yes." Tilts Brandeen's head up to look at him, their faces inches apart. 

"N-no." He cursed as he felt himself stutter. 

"Yes~" He kissed Brandeen. 

Brandeen kissed back and Daveed knew he had won. When he pulled away, Brandeen's face was bright red and he huffed, looking away. 

"One pack."

"Two packs?" He tried to bargain and Brandeen sighed. "Fine two packs, but no more."

Daveed grins at that and kisses his forehead. Brandeen blushes more if possible before shoving him away as he continued to pack away some things that Lychee would need to help with their takeover. Daveed got a couple of packs of Pumpkin spice to put into the care package as well. 

The two finished sealing up the care package and sent it off before going to cuddle. 


Lychee blinked as a package was dropped off in front of his cabin by a familiar phoenix. R.E.D. came over to nuzzle him before flying off to who knows where. Moving forward, he picked up the package and brought it inside. 

"Wonder what's in it..." He turns the package over and opened it. There were a ton of items he'd expect from Brandeen though he was surprised to see the pumpkin spice stuff. Though not unhappy. In fact, when he saw the pumpkin spice stuff he let out a whoop of joy before silencing himself. He freakin' loved pumpkin spice!

Setting the coffee mix to the side, he continued to shift through the box before he saw a note. Curiously, he picked it up and read it, feeling himself smile softly. 

'Hope you enjoy Lychee, keep yourself healthy, and focus on the plan. *beside this another message was scribbled out* make some friends! If you need pumpkin spice I can send more! Have a good time, my son~ Signed, Brandeen and Daveed *the words both had a line through them and had the words Brandad and Momveed over it instead.*'

Lychee chuckled at the note, he should've expected Daveed had something to do with it. Going through the rest of the stuff, he packed it all away in his cabin before going to make some pumpkin spice coffee. Like his mom, he was all about that pumpkin spice life. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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