Wait You're Dating?

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Valentine's Day was approaching in Camp Oasis and as such, the Aphrodite siblings had decided to make a ball out of the holiday.

Everyone was excited for the ball and already people were asking others to go with them. Mario and Kaykrae, Seek and Colin, Bryan and Jakey, Brandeen and David, Bri and Austin, heck even Inmo was going with Mitch! It looked like the ball was going to be attended by pretty much everyone... Though they weren't quite sure about whether or not Ritchie and Michael were going as neither of the counselors had said anything about it.

Colin decided to ask his eldest brother about it one day at breakfast. The Hermes brothers, Seek, Bri, Michael, Austin, and Mitch were seated at the same table when Colin asked.

"Sooooo Ritchie, are you gonna go to the ball?"

"Oh yeah, Michael asked me almost as soon as it was announced." Ritchie nodded nonchalantly even as everyone's eyes, except for Bri, Austin and Michael's, went wide.

"Wait hold on there just a second." Inmo cut in, his voice sounding strangely clear for once. "You and Michael are going together?"

"Um yeah? We've only been dating since forever so why wouldn't we go together?" Ritchie was confusion.

"Since when were you two dating and why didn't we know?" Colin exclaimed in surprise.

"You didn't realize? Its so obvious that even Austin could tell that they were dating and he's oblivious af." Bri said sounding shocked even as Austin pouted.

"I just thought they were good friends." Inmo piped up in his strained voice.

"Did I not tell you guys?" Ritchie asked in confusion.

"No." Colin and Inmo said simultaneously before Inmo added. "If we did we would have already given him the overprotective brother talk."

Ritchie's eyes went wide even as Colin nodded at what Inmo said. Michael for his part just looked amused at the situation even as the ginger sputtered out.

"Wha- No! We've literally been dating since before I even knew you two, you're not giving him the talk."

"Oh no, let 'em I've been wondering what the overprotective sibling talk has been like since you mentioned having to give one to both of their boyfriends," Michael said with an amused smile.

"Imma tell you right now, you don't want that, Michael." Seek and Mitch both shook their heads remembering their own talks.

"Yeah so no talk, got it? It's one thing to give the talk when you've just started dating, quite another to give the talk when we've been dating for over a year." Ritchie told them sternly while Michael himself was just laughing at their reaction. 

"We're gonna give him the talk, Ritchie, and you can't stop us." Colin declared with Inmo nodding along with him. 

"Nu!" Ritchie grabbed Michael's hand and ran off with him, Michael laughing all the way while the other two Hermes brothers gave chase. 

In the end, Michael did get the talk, but it was only a small one under the careful watch of Ritchie. Michael found it more amusing than anything else but it wasn't like Inmo and Colin could say much with their older brother's small glares when they became too harsh. Ritchie was a little *cough* very *cough* protective over his small boyfriend. 

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