Brotherly Advice

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AN: Italics = Inmo Singing

Inmo sighed as he sat on the porch of his cabin. Recently, he had been having... feelings towards his friend, Mitch. The son of Poseidon was just so nice, so understanding (especially about his kleptomaniac tendencies), so handso- he stopped his thoughts there as his cheeks start to flush. 

He didn't know how to go about this. He hated people! And yet he couldn't stop his heart from fluttering at the mere thought of the bluenette. 

He was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't notice his brothers walking by or them waving hi. He didn't notice their concern at the fact that he didn't even jump or move away from them when they called out a hello. It was only when he felt a hand on his shoulder that he even looked up from his brooding, just to see the two staring down at him in concern. 

"Inmo? You ok?" Ritchie asked gently, knowing that he didn't like loud noises. 

Inmo bit his lip. He didn't really want to tell them about his crush but at the same time, he needed advice from someone and who better than his brothers? He looked up at the two before gesturing for them both to sit down. The two did so after exchanging looks of concern. 

"What's the matter, little brother?" Ritchie asked gently. 

"I-I-" Sighing as he realized that trying to speak regularly wasn't going to work too well, he took out his banjo and started strumming. "Oh, I'm afraid I'm in need of some advice~ For I have recently discovered something and I have no idea how to proceed~"

"Discovered something? What is it?" Colin asked in interest. 

"Is it dangerous?" Ritchie asked in concern. 

"No, it is not dangerous~ The only thing could possibly be hurt in my situation~ Would be my own feelings~" Inmo felt his face flush as he sang that out. 

Ritchie and Colin took a moment but then smirks spread across both their faces and Colin nudged him as he teased. "You like someone~"

"And you will be hit over the head with a banjo~ Or even by Banjo if you continue to tease me~" Inmo told Colin with a glare, causing the youngest of the Hermes brothers to raise his hands in surrender.

"Aw, come on, Inmo," Ritchie teased as he snatched his younger brother's hat off to ruffle his hair. "You're the one who asked us for advice."

"And I am starting to believe~ I should have just gone to Michael or anyone other than you two." Inmo sighed before placing the banjo down in his lap and asking in his quiet voice. "I d-don't know what to d-do."

The two gingers exchanged glances before Ritchie asked. "Well do you want to act upon your feelings? Tell her how you feel? Kiss her? Ask her on date?"

"He." He corrected and the eldest brother nodded at the correction as he asked. "So what do you want to do?"

"I-I want to tell him how I f-feel, I just don't know how to do it... I'm n-not sure about kissing him or dating him even but I would like to e-eventually..." Inmo managed to get out, knowing that he had a blush on his face. 

"Normally, I would say to just be blunt and tell him how you feel, but that's not really your style." Inmo nodded at that true statement. 

"What about playing the secret admirer card?" Ritchie suggested and Inmo looked over at him thoughtfully. "Think about it, you get to tell him how you feel without being outright about it, not to mention, you can give little hints about who you are as well so that he can figure it out and come to you telling you that he likes you back."

"W-what if he doesn't?" Inmo asked quietly and a dark aura surrounded his brothers as they said in a dark tone of voice. "We'll handle that."

Inmo was a little hesitant to accept that but he figured it was fine as long as the two never figured out who it was unless they started dating. With that being said, his brothers nodded firmly before pulling him into a hug. They hugged for only a moment before they said goodbye but as they left, Inmo thanked the two for their help. 

About two weeks later, Inmo was walking to his eldest brother's cabin to thank him for the advice, as well as introduce him to Mitch as his new boyfriend (the plan had gone really well though it hadn't taken long for Mitch to catch on) when he saw that his brother was chatting with Michael. With a smirk, he gestured for Mitch to stay hidden as he put on his cloak and snuck up behind the two. 

"A-and that's w-why-" Before Ritchie could finish his stuttering, he was suddenly pushed forward by an unseen source, causing his and Michael's lips to lock together. 

They kissed for a moment before Michael pulled away and said with a chuckle. "I was wondering when you were gonna make a move."

"I-" Before he even finished that thought, his mind registered what happened. "Wait, I didn't even move how-"

"I f-figured that you would f-fair pretty well with b-bluntness." He and Michael both turned as Inmo revealed himself. 

"Inmo!" Ritchie exclaimed, his cheeks red. 

"Before you say anything~ you both have been dancing around each other since before I even got here~ you needed the push~" Inmo told them with a knowing smirk.

"How did you even know we were over here?" Ritchie asked even as Michael took the other's flustered state as an opportunity to intertwine their hands. 

"Oh, I didn't~ I was coming to see you for a completely different reason~" Inmo informed him. 

"What would that be for then?" Ritchie asked curiously, though still blushing. 

"To thank you for the advice~ And to officially introduce you~" Ritchie's eyes went wide even as Inmo turned. "You can come out now~ I've done my mischief~"

Mitch snickered even as he walked forward to stand beside Inmo, taking the quiet son of Hermes' hand in his causing Michael's eyes to widen in surprise as he hadn't even known that Inmo liked anyone. Ritchie's eyes, however, had narrowed upon seeing the bluenette lock hands with his brother. 

"Ritchie~ This is my new boyfriend, Mitch~ Mitch, this is my big brother, Ritchie~" Inmo introduced them. 

"It's nice to meet you, sir." Mitch knew just from that look that the formality was going to be needed if he wanted to survive dating Inmo. 

"It's nice to meet you as well, Mitch, however, we will need to have a little bit of a chat," Ritchie said with a shark-like grin. 

"Ritchie, no." Michael chastised him. 


"No." Michael told him. 

"But he-" This time Michael cut him off with a kiss.

"Good thinking with getting him and Michael together so he can't kill me," Mitch whispered to his boyfriend. 

"Thanks, Jakey said it was a good idea after he got threatened by the Aphrodite siblings." Inmo gave credit where credit was due. "Let's get out of here before he realizes."

"I agree 100%" And with that Inmo threw the cloak over both of them as they ran away from the kissing couple. When Ritchie finally released what they had pulled, he had been mad, but Michael quickly distracted him from seeking them out. 

AN: I didn't include it here just because it wasn't the main focus of the chapter but if anyone would like to see Inmo play secret admirer, just comment down below!

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