Tomb Juice

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AN: This was requested by HonokiMochi

"What the heck are you doing?"

Bri had walked into Ritchie's cabin to find the son of Apollo leaning over a chemistry set with a bottle of what looked to be tomb juice. At her question, Michael and Ritchie looked over from where they were talking to each other, only for their eyes to go wide.

Austin, however, has startled badly at the sudden question. He had been being quiet as to make sure he didn't interrupt any lovey-dovey-ness between the two, so when Bri asked that, he jumped, causing the tomb juice to go flying.

Austin tried to catch it but, before he could even move, it crashed against the ground, splashing all four of them with the tomb juice.


Bri could only stare at what the tomb juice had done. Ritchie and Michael were the size of toddlers. Austin for his part was crouched in front of them protectively, a pair of fox ears on his head with several fox tails behind him. As for herself, she had wolf ears and a tail.

She made to move forward, only for Austin to growl at her, his tails curled protectively around Ritchie and Michael. Bri frowned. 

"Austin, it's just me, Bri, you know, your girlfriend?" Bri said in a gentle voice as she tried to get closer. This did seem to calm Austin down and he allowed her to get closer before grabbing her and hugging her tightly as he glared at the door, his tails still wrapped around Michael and Ritchie. 

"Austin?" She asked in confusion, but Austin didn't say anything, he just curled around the three of them protectively, watching the door for any sudden movements. She went to ask again only for the door to open. 

"I heard a cras-" Before Kaykrae could even finish, Austin growled and a fireball was sent at the snake lady. Kaykrae jumped back before glaring. "What do you think you're doing?"

Austin responded with another growl even as Bri called out. "We got splashed by tomb juice and it looks like its making Austin really protective so I would just stay away if I were you."

Kaykrae slithered forward as if to ascertain if this was true only for another fireball to be sent at her along with the warning growl of Austin. "Get away from my pups!"

Backing away, Kaykrae was sure to make sure that no one went near their cabin until the tomb juice had run out while Austin curled back around Bri, Michael, and Ritchie. The two toddler-sized demigods were fast asleep against his tails, cuddled against one another. Bri sighed as she sat against Austin's side as the other hummed in content now that they were alone. 

This was nice. 

Sure, she was surprised at the protectiveness that Austin was showing but at the same time, it was sweet. Especially with the attention that he was paying to the toddler versions of Michael and Ritchie. 

An arm wrapped around her waist and she found herself cuddled closer to Austin's side. She looked over and saw that he had fallen asleep in his calmed state. Her ears twitched as she let out a fond giggle before she curled into his side. 

While she would be having a word with him about experimenting with tomb juice after it wore off, for now, all she wanted to was join her boyfriend and friends in the land of slumber. 

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