XIX. Anger

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It was just past midday. The policeman made sure she had something to eat before he let her go, so she ate a sandwich they got her from the cafeteria. It was not the best she ever had, but it was enough to get rid of any hunger she was supposed to be feeling.

Ava waited near the front gate for having her car delivered back to her by another policeman, who also gave her the keys. She got in in no time.

"Where to go?", she asked herself immediately. After such an upsetting morning, she surely needed to get some fresh air, making it clear where to go.

Ava started up the car and left, heading up to the sea.

Her wishes were unclear. She had half a mind to just go and spend some time by seaside, where she could lose herself watching the infinite horizon, listen to the sound of the waves and the calming lullabies of the sea. Maybe it would improve her mood and make her feel at peace, like she felt as a child when she walked by the sea.

The other half of her mind was still fighting the urge to sate her curiosity and find the answer to the question that drove her there in the first place.

She drove.

After thirty minutes or so, she stopped the car and watched through her window the sand getting dragged by the furious wind and the angry waves trying to engulf the shore.

"What started as sunny day became a turbulent one", she thought, feeling the weird pressure on her heart getting ready to strike once again. She closed her eyes to stave off the pressure, and despite the gusts of wind, she still left the car and walked through the shore. The approaching storm was a reminder of Julien's last words.

"Thanks for wasting three years of my life", she remembered it well, every detail of that moment. Especially the despair of not knowing how to react to such words. It crushed her hearing them, because, in an unexplainable way, she heard the casual and mean undertones, giving those words credibility.

Ava’s legs buckled under the weight of those memories of Julien's rage, and she sat on the wet sand, just out of reach of the furious waves.

"Sadly, there were moments I was happy with you. Truly happy...", she repeated the answer she gave him at that time, and the tears began anew.

"Did I really deserve all that rage? Those words filled with anger?", she loudly questioned the sea.

The sea, unable to answer her, just kept its own anger moving towards her, forcing her to move back. Ava took that as a sign.

"I need to close the door on my past, or I’ll be swallowed by it! I need to move forward!"

Ava turned her eyes to the road that separated the shoreline from the row of beach houses. Julien’s house was just across the road.

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