XLV. Next stop

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"Ok! Ok! I get it!", Phoebe was getting pissed off at someone in the other side of the line. "I'm done talking to you. If you have any complaints, go direct them to customer support. Geez! I'm not a machine!"

Phoebe threw the phone away as she hung up the call.

"Someone is in a really good mood today.", Ava giggled.

"You bet!", Phoebe replied. "Let me follow you to your office." Phoebe took a stack of papers from her desk.

"Yes, please!"

Ava opened the door to the office so Phoebe could go in first.

"I have what you asked for."

"The transcripts of the board meetings?"

"Yes, what else?"

"What's wrong, Phoebe? You’re on edge today. More than usual, I must add."

Ava was right. Phoebe wasn't even able to sit. She pacing back and forth, and showed no intention of ever sitting down.

"Ava! The transcripts of the meeting for your promotion. His name is not on them."

"Ok, that's definitely not possible..."

"But it is! And I'm not done yet. I checked some of the previous transcripts and his name is there, he has been part of this company for months now, almost a year. His name shows up often on the transcripts, but not on the day of the promotion, or in any meeting after that, why? Is this office haunted?"

"That stack of papers you brought in, are those the transcripts?"


"Let me see it, Phoebe."

Phoebe spread the transcripts on Ava's desk.

"Let’s go through them together.", Ava asked, feeling like a detective. "We need to find the differences..."

Ava found the transcript of the meeting that decided her promotion. She then took the transcript of the meeting immediately before that one and compared the names on the attendance sheet.

"Tobias Andrews...", Phoebe said absent mindedly.

"Wait... There's a new name here."


"Victorian St. Clair! Look for that name in the transcripts on the desk."

"Wait, come again?", Phoebe crossed her arms and with a thoughtful expression said: "That's not a person, that’s the name of a street in the upper west side."

Ava instantly stared at Phoebe, dropping the papers.

"A street? Is this a lead? Do you think it's where he lives?"

"I don't think so... That street is expensive as hell." Phoebe said, tapping her fingers in the desk. "Let’s keep checking the transcripts, maybe we’ll find something else.”

Ava spread the transcripts on the desk. After they were organized by dates, Ava almost immediately noticed something. Tobias Andrews always signed his name in the same line. "Line 32".

Ava smiled.

"We are looking for the door number 32.", she concluded, proud of herself.

"Ava, this is starting to scare me. Like for real. What if this is the real trap? I mean, finding him."

"I guess, there's only one way of finding out."

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