XIII. Company's psychologist 3

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"So, Ava, did you find an answer to what I asked you in our last session?"

"Not quite, if I am being honest."

"Well, let’s try and find it then. Were you able to give it a thought?"


"Paul, please", he insisted.

"Sorry, Paul. I did think about it, but I don't think he hurt me. I already knew he didn’t know how to express his feelings, he said as much once. He is not as emotional or sensitive as I am."

"How would you describe him in the first five, six months of your relationship?"

Ava tried to contain a smile, as the memories came to her.

"Amazing. He was so thoughtful and caring. When we were not together, we would text me all the time and even reveal his jealousy in a cute way."

"In a cute way? How so?"

"With silly questions", Ava smiled again. "He even asked me to text him every night to just let him know I was going to bed. He needed to know where or what I was doing. And me, being me, I didn't always text him to tell him those things. So, he stopped asking me to do it. I guess he got tired."

"And why didn’t you give in to his requests?"

"Oh, it wasn’t on purpose, I really didn’t mind doing it, but sometimes I would just fall asleep before texting him. Other times, I would have my hands complete busy with daily tasks and I just forgot." Ava sighed. "Also, I kind of thought he already knew what I was doing and where I was most of the time. When I was not with him, I was at home or at work. After I met him, I started to work harder, I even quit my hobbies, just so I could focus on my professional goals and get where I need to be, so, that way, I'd feel worthy of his love."

"Do you consider yourself an insecure person?"

Ava contained a light laugh.

"I know I am insecure. I try to hide it, but not with much success, I guess."

"Why are you insecure?"

"Because I don't feel I’ve succeeded, mainly, at my career goals. And while I don't achieve my goals, I guess this "disease" will be clouding my judgment and I'll still be second guessing my every move."

"What are your goals?"

"To climb the corporate ladder and become an executive. Not just an assistant. I want to be able to influence the direction my company is taking."

"Did he know you are an assistant?"

"Yes, he did."

"Did he care about what you do for work?"

"Not sure, I mean, he tried to not have an opinion about it."

"How so?"

"He just wouldn't get very involved. And every time I would tell him about my plans, he would just say he supported me and give me some vague advices, making clear that whatever I decided would be just my decision."

"It sounds like his attitude about your career upset you."

"It did. I wished he would get more involved, help me think about strategies to get me where I desperately needed to be. I wished he’d been more like a partner. My partner in crime, so to speak."

"I see", Paul leaned forward in his chair and then asked "From what you've told, I have to ask Ava, was he ever really a partner to you?"

His question was punctuated by the chime of the alarm.

"Why must these sessions always end like this?", Ava thought.

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