XXIV. The upcoming surprise 2

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"What could it be?", Ava asked herself. The invitation to the HR meeting room coming in such an upsetting tone could mean many things, but none good.

"Miss Ava!", said Mary, the same lady from the first meeting at this same room. "It's been a while!".

"Not really, I saw you like this month?", Ava thought and gave her a tepid smile. Ava wouldn't waste words if this was going to become a meeting concerning to her being getting fired or any other kind of disturbing news. After all, Paul's tone at the last session left Ava with a strange feeling. Something felt unnatural.

"So, you might be wondering why we called you here in such a hurry", Mary continued.

Ava nodded, trying to avoid the use of words. She didn’t trust herself not to blurt out something that could make the situation even worse. She was expecting this to be some kind of punishment after refusing to cooperate with Paul in their latest session. Or worse, they could have found out about the incident on the road and think she might be unstable.

"As you might know, there's a party today. And we need your help", said Mary finally.

Ava felt a weight being lifted off her shoulders, this time, her smile was one of contentment.

"We desperately need your help", said an assistant from the marketing department, drowning in dresses and addresses. She had just got in the room and spread everything she’d been carrying on the large table.

"Of course I’ll help.", Ava said, maybe a little reluctant, since this new task would take precious time she needed to get a dress and review the month report one last time.

"Miss Ava, this year we’ll be using our party to support a new charity and some adjustments had to be made to the suits and dresses of our executives. We want to make a statement that we will not stand for domestic violence and we’ll show support to all victims of violence, be it physically or psychologic", Mary explained.

"That's why we’re so late. It was a last-minute decision to make this party into a charity event, and try to get in the front page of every magazine to draw attention to the issue. And, of course, to have the proper impact, we are handling everything Inside of our doors."

"I understand", Ava was confused. Was this surprise that made Phoebe to act so weird? Is she also helping with the outfit adjustments? It couldn't be just this, she wouldn't keep this to herself for so long. Also, Phoebe was called to the board meeting room, not to the HR like Ava.

"Then, come on, lady. I need you. We need to get these outfits all together and in the proper black bags to deliver to every executive on this office. It's our job to guarantee they look impeccable", the young assistant added.

"I'm so excited!", Mary said with genuine joy. "We will also have a special announcement today. A much bigger surprise."

"What’s it about?", the assistant asked.

"Surprise, surprise!", Mary asserted.

Now Ava was truly intrigued. What could it be? Maybe the same thing that made Phoebe act so weird.

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