XLII. Absence

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Back at her office, Ava couldn’t stop thinking about everything that happened these last few days. The promotion and Julien had kept her mind busy enough, but suddenly, something else came to mind that prompted her to leave her office and go find Phoebe.

"Did you notice that guy from the party just vanished in these past days?", Ava inquired Phoebe, stopping by her desk.

"The handsome one who kidnaped you?"

"He didn't kidnap me...", Ava blushed.

"Clearly...", Phoebe giggled. "So, are we missing that tall and handsome guy?"

Ava, still blushing, refused to answer. She just drew a mysterious smile.

"I supposed nothing happened, right?"

"Yes, nothing happened…", Ava kept blushing. "Tell me, have you seen him?"

"I'm sorry, hun, but now that you mention it, I don't recall seeing him around the office in these past few days."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, of course. You know no hot guy can escape my special stud radar!  And he is smoking hot!"

Ava seemed deep in thought for a moment.

"But... doesn’t he work here? I saw him around more than once."

"Maybe he’s just one of those lawyers the company hires sometimes to have a second opinion, or an external consultant."

"Oh, do you think so?", Ava seemed disappointed at that thought.

"Oh, now we are feeling sad, is that right? The nothing happened is sounding like it left a mark. A good one, enough to make you miss him.", Phoebe giggled. "Look at the bright side, at least you know where his house is at if you ever want to pay him a late-night visit."

"Phoebe!", Ava giggled back.

"What?", she replied. "Am I wrong?"

She definitely was not wrong. The kiss they shared was the most intense kiss Ava had experienced. If she was being honest with herself, that kiss could be one of the motives why she was feeling more confident about keeping away from Julien lately.

“Now that I think about it, he couldn’t be an external lawyer or consultant, the company wouldn’t have invited him to the party if he was.”, Phoebe said with a quizzical look on her face.

“Oh, you’re right!”, Ava exclaimed, with a little more enthusiasm than she wanted.

"Did you find the address of the grounds keeper? The shareholder who suggested my name for the promotion?", She said, changing the subject,

"Now, we’re changing the subject of our conversation all of a sudden, are we? You are so interesting, miss Ava. And about that! Uh! I might have a lead. Are you up for a little road trip?"

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