The Man Who Sold The World

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Hey guys, I just wanna thank the three people who are actually reading this but what are you doing with your lives? XD
Also, thanks to the person who voted for the last part, it means a lot :)
I'd just like to point out that this isn't realistic with timelines of other bands and shit if that makes sense (I'm probably gonna mention names of bands that weren't around when Gee was in school)

I started the long trek home- ten minutes is a long time to walk when you've had a long day of doing nothing.

It was also Summertime and it's too hot- I refuse to wear anything other than a hoodie so sue me for wanting it to cool down a bit.

I searched through my MP3 player for some music to make walking less torturous and divided on some classic Bowie. I had always idolised Bowie, how he was always unapologetically himself regardless of what anyone thought. I mean, it's one thing to be myself in high school sure, but to do that in front of the whole world- it blows my mind!

I walked to the beat of one of my favourite Bowie songs, The Man Who Sold The World, as I thought about the words. I was a man who sold the world, but instead of thinking I was dead for a few years they thought I was straight instead. Although it was probably better when they did as the dickheads didn't tell abuse at me or put notes in my... Oh shit yeah!

Quickly remembering the letter that I had found in my locker a few minutes ago (I have the memory of a goldfish) I quickly looked around to make sure no one else was near. Once I was satisfied that the coast was clear, I grabbed the letter and opened it up. What it said was definitely a shock:

Dear Gerard,
You need to toughen the fuck up man, someone as good looking as you should never be seen with so many bruises on your face. There are way more gay people in the goddamn school, you're just too soft for your own good which is why they chose you. You seem pretty rad so stop letting everyone fuck you up so bad. You need to be rough with them.
Ya know what? If you find out who I am, I'll show you rough in a different way, so long as you're okay still feeling it in a week ;)
C'mon, pretty boy, I'm waiting

I wish I could say that I was thinking about a lot after reading it and that my mind was racing etc, but all I could really think about was the heat increasing in my cheeks amongst... Other places. This was the first time that anyone has ever spoken to me and said anything other than "what's up faggot?" since I started high school- it's the first time someone had said anything sexual to me ever so as you can guess I had no idea what the fuck to do.

Fortunately, I was only a few seconds away from my house at that point so I gay walked the rest of the way, trying to ignore that my dick was as interested in finding 'Frnk' as my brain was.

As soon as I got to the house I unlocked the door and sprinted downstairs to my bedroom/basement. My bedroom is my favourite place to be: it has black painted walls, although you can barely see the colour due to the sheer amount of band posters stuck up everywhere, with a matching carpet that honestly feels like cotton wool. My bed is in the corner of the small room opposite a window with blackout blinds that are always closed. There's a desk in another corner with a small lamp where I did things like drawing, homework and writing songs which I made a beeline for and sat down on the small chair in front of it.

I read and re-read it so many times that I could recite it off by heart by the time Mikey got in an hour later.

Unlike me, he actually had friends. There's this one guy, Pete Wentz, who he was always talking about (I'm not even exaggerating, I can't remember the last time he spoke to me about anything else) and I'm almost certain that he likes him. Pete's actually a decent guy, a lot better than most of the others in our school.

It was only when I heard Mikey shout a simple "Hey Gee!" was when I realised how tired I was- thinking is a lot more tiring than you think.

I went upstairs to get some coffee to keep me awake, being careful not to fall on the steps on the way up (although it wouldn't be the first time) and made my way to the kitchen, probably looking like a zombie whilst doing so. When I got there, I saw that Mikey was using the coffee machine- let's be honest, who's surprised?- and, being that nice big brother that I am, decided to scare him. I tiptoed my way behind him and screamed as loud as I could- although it was nowhere near as loud as the sound that he made; it would have been hilarious if he hadn't turned around and gave me a view of his eye- even from behind his glasses I could see dark purple discolouration that made the perfect shape of a fist. I had frozen for a few seconds, just like what had happened when Dad was here and saw him try to run away. I wasn't going to let that happen though and grabbed his wrist and pulled him into a tight hug, him resting his head on my shoulder.

I had no idea what to do, this was the second time I've seen Mikey as the victim of physical violence and is somehow harder to accept that it had happened. I felt my shirt get wet and was confused for a few seconds because "am I leaking? Can humans do that?" Until I realised that he was crying. And I had no idea how to stop it. All I could do was hold the shaking boy in my arms until he calmed down enough to talk.

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