I See You Lying Next To Me

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Right yall, smut and mentions of self-harm and death are in this chapter. Read at your own risk

Frank's P.O.V

11:02 was the time he got there. I thought he wasn't going to show. I mean, this spot was notorious for the activities that take place and in all honesty, I wasn't going to complain if the opportunity came up.

He looked beautiful, he looked like the night that surrounded him: his jet black hair reflected the moonlight in a way that made him look like he was covered in glitter. His eyes sparkled in the yellow streetlights, making them appear like those of cats. The green mixed with the brown stood out due to the yellow, making them sparkle like emeralds or water on a spring leaf.

I stood and watched him walk towards me. I smirked and took a few confident steps towards him. I was lucky, I wasn't shy- the exact opposite in fact and knew how to get what I wanted. It wasn't hard if you're confident since the only thing stopping you from taking over the Earth is your fear of the unknown.

We both stopped when we were about a meter away from each other, too far away if you ask me. I held my hand out for him to take and he looked at it worriedly.

After deciding that it wasn't going to break, he eventually interlinked our fingers together. I wasn't expecting him to be so forward but I smiled at him so he knew that I approved.

Gerard's P.O.V:

I took his hand and tangled our fingers together after a moment of panic. It felt amazing. It felt better than the drugs they put me on at the hospital. It felt right like my hand belonged in his.

We walked to a spot which was covered by a large tree and sat down, leaning against it. I had never felt so peaceful in my life. He started drawing shapes in my hand, his fingers calloused but calming. I turned to look at him: he looked distressed.

"Are you okay?" I asked him gently. He jumped slightly at my sudden voice and turned to look at me. His eyes were soft but filled with panic.

"I need to tell you something" he whispered. I felt myself begin to panic: what if this was all a joke? And he didn't really like me? What if he was regretting coming out with me? What if he had realised how much of a loser I actually was?

I started shaking slightly and my breathing became heavy. Frank noticed this and stood up, pulling me up with him.

"Come on," he said "Let's go back to my place and I'll tell you there"


Frank's P.O.V

We arrived at my apartment after a few minutes of walking, unlocking my door and thanking God that my roommate wasn't here to take the piss about me "finally getting laid" or start hitting on him. Don't get me wrong, I love Bert but Jesus Christ did he like to piss me off.

"Make yourself at home," I told him, pointing at the sofa and immediately heading to the alcohol cupboard and pulling out a bottle of vodka. I swallowed a mouthful, savouring the burn of the potent liquid and offered the bottle to Gerard. He took it and drank a lot, no questions asked and didn't even flinch. I'm guessing that wasn't the first time he had done that then.

I walked over to the sofa and sat down, putting my arm around him and avoiding eye contact, hoping that he wouldn't ask what I needed to tell him.

I was going to tell him why I couldn't tell him that it was my friend, also called Frank, who had punched Mikey. We moved here together from the same school and he immediately made friends with Billie, adopting all of his favourite ways to be a dick to people: including physical violence. However, despite how reluctant I was to have to explain all this to Gee, I would have much rather have explained that than explaining what he asked me:

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