So Sick And Tired Of All The Needless Beating

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"Ah- ah fuck Pete!"
My innocent angel of a brother moaned. No, fuck this.

I slammed the front door shut and watched as my brother and his boyfriend jumped of their skin. Fucking deserve it, the bastards.

"Uh, hi Gerard. How you doing mate?" Pete asked, as if he wasn't stood in my living room with his dick hanging out.

I walked past them and down the stairs to my bedroom, practically stamping with every step. Absolutely fucking not. Fucking my brother in plain sight is one thing but then proceeding to start talking to me whilst he, and my brother, is still naked- no. I couldn't think about it without feeling sick.

I checked my phone for the time and saw a message from an unknown number. I unlocked my phone and read it:

??: Hey Gee :) Just wanted to know if its formal or casual wear tonight.

I wanna look good for you, even if whatever I wear is likely to come off later ;)

I blushed at the message. It's pretty obvious that it was from Frank and saved his contract to my phone. I didn't have anything fancy planned out for our date. I was going to take him out for a picnic on the park where we first met up outside of school and have a little bit to eat, before taking him to one of my favourite places ever: it was a small wooded area which was full of trees. At the back, there was a tree which had grown to be easy to climb and basically had steps which was ideal to watch the sunset. I hoped he would enjoy it as much as I did. I quickly typed a reply to his message:

Me: Just something casual, anything that you're comfortable in.

And don't worry, you look amazing in anything <3
Although, I definitely wouldnt complain if you decided to wear something tight ;)

I pressed send and actually checked the time; 5:57. That gave me just over an hour to get ready and get to Frank's.

I hopped in a quick shower and actually washed my hair for once, making me look a little bit less like a greasy rat and looked in my wardrobe for something to wear. Fortunately, everything was on a hanger and not all creased. However, 'everything' happened to be two pairs of ripped jeans, 3 hoodies and a black t shirt. Mikey must have stolen my clothes again.

I walked up the basement steps and made my way towards Mikey's room, making sure my towel doesnt fall. I knocked on the door- not wanting to walk into them doing it again- and waited for a reply. I knocked again and realised that no one was in there, so I opened the door and made my way inside.

Mikey's room was nothing like mine. It was- for lack of a better word- an absolute shit tip. There were clothes all over the floor, aswell paper, his bed sheets and books. I made my way to his wardrobe, avoiding the sea of mess on the floor, and searched for something decent to wear.

Apparently Mikey's fashion sense it worse than mine and the only decent thing that he had was a plain black button up shirt. That would have to do I guess.

I ran back to my own room, holding the shirt in one hand and the towel in the other. I found the pair of jeans in my wardrobe that had the least holes in them and quickly got dressed, before going back to my bathroom and looking at myself in the full length mirror. I've looked worse.

I checked the time and realised that I had exactly 30 minutes. Perfect.

I shoved some food into a backpack, fruits, chocolates, stuff like that, and shouted bye to Mikey before walking out of my house and down the road at a worryingly fast pace. This was my first ever date, and it kinda made me feel awkwardly like a virgin- although Frank made sure that I very much wasn't.

I slowed my pace slightly and let my mind wander, knowing that my feel would take me where I needed to go. What if he didn't like it? What if he wanted a big fancy date and I was going to disappoint him?

I mentally slapped myself for thinking like that, you're not going to disappoint him. I slept with him, if I was going to disappoint him, it would have been them.

I let my mind wonder a little more until I arrived at Frank's. I checked the time: 6:59. Perfect.

I walked down to his front door. Every step echoed in my head.




Until I got to his front door.
I knocked three times and heard footsteps walking towards me. I could feel my heart in my throat and my temples.

I saw the front door creak open slightly and saw his eye look at me from the minuscule gap in the door.

"H-hey Gee. I...I," He was sobbing, to the point where he couldn't speak.

I reached forward and opened his door all the way, letting the moonlight hit his face.

He looked absolutely perfect, or he would if it wasn't for the bruise across his eye.

I dropped my bag and pulled him into my arms, pulling him into my chest. This can't be happening. Everyone that I love gets hurt by someone and I can't do anything about it.

"Frank, what happened?"

"Your Dad came to see me."


Sorry about the wait I have
Sense of days

I also messed up my back by falling down the stairs in school and made it worse by lifting tables and drum kits aswell as playing basketball and doing dance so that was
Fun :/

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