I'm not ready to write the part after this

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Frank's P.O.V

I drove Gerard to the hospital- he was obviously in no state to drive- and walked with him to reception to try and find his brother.

The car journey was hell. He was so nervous but he was trying his best not let it show, and I couldn't do anything to help him except reassure him that Mikey was okay, which was  excruciatingly hard when I'm wasn't even convinced myself

We hurriedly made our way inside the hospital, avoiding bumping into people on the way. Thankfully it was quiet.

The lady on reception was dark-skinned and had her black, curly hair tied back in a ponytail, revealing her kind face, slight lines present around her eyes from age.

"Hello there honey, how can I help you?" She asked in a tender voice. I couldn't help but think that she was perfect for her job- she seemed lovely and she was definitely capable of calming people down; you could just tell

"I- uh- I'm here to see Mikey Way?" Gerard asked shakily. I looked over to him and saw his hands trembling slightly, making me reach out and take his hand into my own, bringing it up to my lips and kissing the back of it softly.

"Okay sweetie, I'll go and get the nurse for you darling. There are chairs over there if you would like to take a seat, " she informed us.

We walked over to the chairs and sat in silence - it wasn't an awkward silence where we felt we had to say something, but it wasn't comfortable. I was scared to make any loud noises in case I make him any worse. He was as delicate as glass and I know that no matter how hard we try, he will never recover fully from this- even if Mikey does.

I held his hand tightly, letting him know that I'm not letting him go. He looked at me with watery eyes, full of tears that he was afraid to let spill.

We both looked up as a tall man with brown eyes and dark walked by and stood in front of us. Although it wasn't what I should have been focusing on at the time but the guy had quite the forehead...

"Hi there, I'm doctor Urie, or Brendon if you would prefer. Are you Gerard Way?" He questioned to Gee, which he replied with a slight nod.

"Great, alright then. You're here to see your brother, right?" Another nodded reply.

"Okay, follow me. I'm not going to lie to you but he's not in a good place right now and he is attached to a machine to help him breathe, but we do expect that he will make a full recovery. Do you still want to see him?" He asked, his voice slightly softer than the last questions. He nodded once more and stood up, pulling me up with him.

We walked down a corridor with blue floors and white walls, making the place feel sterile and clean. It wasn't a long walk but the silence made it seem like we were walking in slow motion. Every step we took echoed in my ears and I could feel Gerard's hand shaking in mine.

I heard Dr Urie clear his throat, catching our attention.

"I have to warn you again, he is attached to a lot of machines. It's going to be difficult for you to see him like this. Are you sure you still want to see him?"

I looked towards Gerard who was as white as a ghost. His palm was sweaty and I knew he was really struggling. I kissed him on the forehead and took his other hand into mine, so we were face to face and I could look into his eyes.

"Hey, listen. You don't have to do this, you need to look after yourself first. If you don't think you can do this then don't, okay? I love you so much and I will support you with whatever you decide to do," I said tenderly, gently rubbing my thumbs across the back of his hand in an attempt to calm him.

"No, I need to do this. He's my brother and I need to be here for him."

I kissed his forehead once more and let go of one of his hands before walking towards Dr Urie, who opened a door for us to enter.

None of his words of warning could have prepared me for how horrific the gut-wrenching sight of him on that bed would be.


I hate this, I know exactly what I'm gonna do at the end but I have no idea what to do to get to that point -_-

Also, I'm sorry this is getting awful but A) I can't write and B) I don't know what I want so I'm writing what's coming straight from my brain and that is a mess

Thank you to anyone who has put up with me, it means a lot ^-^

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