They Laugh, I Don't Think It's Funny

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I came round from my coma feeling like bombs had been exploding through my head- it was like a hangover minus the benefits of being shit-faced the night before.

My eyes were closed and all I could hear was the steady beat of the heart monitor, keeping track of my pulse. It was strangely calming, knowing that it was probably the only steady thing in my life right now.

I kept my eyes closed, not wanting the pain in my head to intensify as I already felt ready to pass out again with the sheer torture it was giving me as it was. I was trying to figure out what was going on: it was obvious that I was in a hospital, I'm not that stupid. But how did I get there? It sounds horrible but I hope Mikey didn't bring me. He doesn't need my problems were getting worse aswell as his own struggles going on. That wasn't fair.

As if something in the sky had read my thoughts, I heard someone running in and screaming my name; which was not appreciated, might I add.

"GERARD! GERARD OH MY GOD!! Oh my god..." I heard their voice eco throughout the corridors. To my relief, it was definitely Mikey but by the sounds of things he had thought I was dead or something.

Unfortunately not.

I was pleased to know that Mikey hadn't brought me in but that left me confused as to who did. Who else cares enough about me?

I heard soft sobbing that made my heart break and felt a warm hand slip into my own and squeeze gently.

Actually, fuck that, he was squeezing my hand so hard that I was genuinely surprised that none of my bones had been broken. I decided that was my queue to speak.

"Fucking hell Mikes, my hand doesn't come off regardless of how hard you squeeze it. Cut it out!" I croaked out. My voice was raspy and harsh and the exact opposite of how it was supposed to sound. It got his attention though as the sobbing stopped and I felt his iron grip loosen slightly.

I slowly forced open my eyes and was horrified by what I saw looking back at me...


Miss me? XD

Sorry for not updating, I have had no inspo at all and have been busy with coursework and stuff

I'll try and update more often from now on but no promises I guess 😅

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