So You Can Leave Like The Sane, Abandon Me

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2 months later

Gerard's P.O.V

I had barely slept since Mikey had tried to kill himself and it was beginning to take a toll on my life. Nothing I did or said could make things better for him. I loved him so much and all I could think of was him. I had locked myself in my room, only coming out to get alcohol when Frank wasn't around.


Frank had been a God send through all of this. He was so patient and kind and sweet. He made sure I ate something and showered. He deserves to be somewhere much better than stuck taking care of a teenage baby.

I missed him. I only saw him yesterday but I wanted to see him at a time other than him basically being my carer.

I sat up, ignoring the throbbing pain in my head caused by the alcohol I had last night, and made my way to the shower. I turned it on to a cold setting, attempting to get rid of this headache.

Headaches are useless. They have no reason to exist. People would rather have me around than a headache and that's really saying something.

I washed my hair with strawberry scented shampoo (I'm gay, fuck off) and enjoyed the peaceful bliss of the shower, singing some of a song I wrote:

These are the eyes and the lies of the taken
These are their hearts but their hearts don't beat like ours
They burn 'cause they are all afraid
For every one of us, there's an army of them
But you'll never fight alone
'Cause I wanted you to know

That the world is ugly
But you're beautiful to me
Well are you thinking of me now?

I switched the shower off as I got teary eyed at the thought of the person who I wrote that about. I quickly got dried and dressed into a pair of tight, black ripped jeans and a Black Flag hoodie- it was too warm for a shirt aswell.

Feeling a lot better than I did, I basically skipped down to Frank's.

But my happiness didn't last.

I felt my world crash and burn as I saw him locked lips with Bille Joe Armstrong.

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