Writing this sucks more dick than i do and thats a problem

40 2 3

2 months later

Gerard's P.O.V
"Hello, is this Gerard Way?" The woman on the phone asked.

I was sat watching a film with Frank, enjoying the comfort and calmness of being with another human that I- not only wasn't scared of- but loved, when the phone rang. The number was private and mentally debated answering it or not.

"Yes, this is Gerard. Who is this?" I asked politely. I didn't recognise the voice but by her tone and formality, I knew she was professional.

"I work at Belleville hospital, your brother Michael Way has been brought into us, deary. This is quite a difficult topic to discuss and I really wouldn't like to do it over the phone, could you come to us as soon as possible?"

I refused to believe it; what could Mikey have done to end up in the hospital?

"Of course, I'll be there in the next 30 minutes," I breathed, trying to keep my voice steady as I put the phone down.

"What's wrong, Gee? " Frank asked, with concern filled in his eyes. I let out a shaky breath as tears filled my eyes and I tried to get any words to come out of my mouth.

"M-Mikey is- he's in the hospital. " Saying it out loud meant I was forced to admit that it had happened and I felt my throat close slightly as I tried to suppress the many sobs that were trying to escape my throat.

Frank stood up from the sofa and pulled me up with him, before taking me into his arms and tenderly kissing my forehead.

"He won't want you to be upset over it, we can go and see him in assuming?" He whispered tenderly. I nodded in reply, knowing that if I opened my mouth then I wouldn't be able to stop myself from bursting into tears.

"Well I bet you that once we get there he will take the piss out of you for this, " he joked lightly, making me feel slightly less heavy-hearted. He was right; all I needed to do was go down there and make sure he was okay, he was okay.
He was going to be okay.
He had to be okay.



Sorry this is so short, I just wanted to post something bc apparently 4:30 am is an appropriate time for my brain to want to write 🤷🏻‍♂️

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