He's Not Dead, He Only Looks It

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It had been a week since I had been discharged from the hospital and I had never felt worse.

I miss the morphine. It made me feel happy. It was like my depression wasn't there. All I wanted was to feel like that again. I needed to feel like that again.

On the bright side, Billie still wasn't at school. I don't know what else Mikey did to him but it mustn't have been pretty. He deserved it though I guess.

I felt sick. And depressed. I missed the high of the meds and not having to feel. Not being able to feel. It gave me a freedom that I never had before and I would give up anything to get it back.

I walked through the school to my locker (it was lunchtime and everyone was in the canteen. I could stab myself right now and no one would notice for another 40 mins) and felt genuinely surprised that I hadn't been pinned against it by now. This was nice.

I opened it and didn't hide my surprise when a small note came flying out and landed at my feet. I bent down and picked it up, ignoring the tiny flutter that came from my stomach as I immediately knew who it was from. I read it and blushed at the short message:

"Hey, Gerard! I missed you :)
We should meet up if you're feeling up to it.
Meet me at the park near yours, you know the one
11 pm, don't be late ;)


Tonight? Was that not too soon after he had seen me look like I had just been dug from my grave?

Not for Frank apparently.

I read the note over a few times. The park wasn't really a park, it was a square of tarmac where a park used to be, but the slide, swings and roundabout and been taken down due to it being unsafe. Unless you live in the same estate, you're not likely to know about it. It was always deserted unless people were making out there so the fact that he asked me to meet him there, especially so late at night, worried me a little. But not enough to scare me off: I was definitely going to turn up, regardless of my suspicions of his plans.

I heard the bell ring for the end of lunch and walked to my next lesson. Despite not eating, I wasn't hungry: I hadn't eaten anything since I got put in the hospital. I hadn't lost any weight though, I was still the fat bastard I was before getting put in there. If I could just be a little thinner, then maybe I'd be okay.

I arrived at my class and sat in a seat, right at the back and in the corner where no one could see me. The rest if the day was going to drag; I could feel it.

🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸Hey! Really sorry for the depressingness (?) of these chapters, they will get better

There may be some smut in the next chapter or the one after that idk
Just a warning and I'll put another warning up there when its coming up

Also, do yall even pay attention to the song videos at the top?


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