I'm Feeling So Alone

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Drug use and smut in this chapter

If I had one wish, it would be that I stayed at Frank's the day after we- you know- instead of trying to not be a pain in the ass.

Because all I was left with was loneliness and a pain in my own ass. I hadn't seen Frank since that day and it had been a month. A whole month full of nothing but loneliness and depression.

My depression was worse than ever; all I could think was how much better it would be if I wasn't around anymore. I mean, I had one person that actually give a shit and he hadn't spoken to me since I slept with him. Maybe that was all he wanted me for. A quick fuck.

It was the last lesson of the day and I'd actually stayed in school for the whole day. I was stupid enough to think that Frank might actually talk to me today, but obviously not. He never cared, why would he start now?

I didn't bother looking in my locker because I knew that he hadn't left a note. I missed his notes, they made me feel wanted.

I was walking out of the school gates when I heard someone shouting me.

"Hey, kid! Emo! You look down, want something to help cheer you up?" They called. Yes. Yes, I did want something to cheer me up. I turned around and looked to see who was calling me.

I'd seen this guy around. He had long black hair and dark eyes. He also had tattoos which immediately made me think of Frank. I think his name was Bert? He was in some of my classes and was known for being the school's drug dealer. Rumour has it he supplied to teachers as well as students. I walked over to where he was stood (behind a tree, away from the sight of everyone) and looked at him. He was fairly attractive, nothing compared to frank, but still attractive.

I wasn't stupid, I knew he was going to offer me drugs or something. But I was desperate. I needed this feeling to piss off. I needed something to take my mind off Frank. I looked at Bert and raised my eyebrow, silently asking what he had for me. He gave a gruff chuckle and put his arm up against the tree next to my head, blocking me from moving away and ensuring that we were extremely close together.

"Don't try and act tough with me kid, I know who you are and this charade won't fool me. Now do you want something or not?" He growled. His voice was low, I could barely hear him, but slightly threatening.

"Yeah, but what do you want for it? I don't have a lot to give you." I confessed, my voice wavering slightly. He didn't seem bothered by the fact that I couldn't give him payment, quite the opposite actually. He leaned even further in, close enough for me to feel his breath on my ear.

"I have something in mind, now follow me before I change my mind" He smirked. He stood up and walked away, gesturing for me to follow him as we walked to what I assumed to be his home.


As we arrived at his house I felt a strange sense of déja vu, although I quickly brushed it off. I have no friends so the only houses I've ever been to are my own and Franks.

He opened the door and pulled me inside, quickly shutting the door behind us and dragging me to his room.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to make a move on you. My roommate doesn't appreciate me bringing random dudes to our house and the first thing he sees is us doing lines on the coffee table. He isn't in right now but he will be soon, we go to the same school." He explained. Fair enough. I sat down on his bed and examined his room. It was small but quite nice: there was a small table in the middle of a deep olive coloured carpet. The walls were cream and matched the colour of the single bed which was placed in the corner of the room. There was a chest of drawers next to the bed which Bert was currently rummaging through.

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