You Are Never Coming Home

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Frank's P.O.V


Fucking Billie Joe Armstrong insisted on ruining my life, and he had well and truly done it this time.

He turned up outside my house and despite my attempts to get rid of him, he wouldn't budge.

I decided to go out and see what he wanted, in hopes that he would piss off. But he didn't - and if I knew he was going to kiss me then I would have stayed inside.

I went outside to him as calmly as possible; although my 'calmly' was about as accurate to Dumbledore's 'calmly' in the the goblet of fire (if you haven't seen it, its the exact opposite of calm)

I was 5"6' of pure anger. I stormed out and grabbed his collar, pulling him down to me so we were eye level (I may have pulled him down further than needed in hopes that he would break his back.)

"What the fuck do you want?" I seethed. All I wanted to do was snap his neck: he had basically ruined Gerard's life and now he was trying to do fuck mine up and he deserved to pay.

"Frankie, Frankie, Frankie. Ever the aggressive one. Oh how I miss your fiestyness; and you threw away your life with me for that coward Gerard. It's a shame - really it is, you could have had it all with me. I just have to do this one last time, maybe I'll change your mind," he chuckled in a sickly sweet tone.

I didn't even have time to comprehend what he was talking about before his lips were on mine.

I wanted to puke.

He soon pulled away though, which I was grateful for as I couldn't move. I was frozen in place from shock and disgust.

That was when I heard Gee and I knew what he had seen. And I couldn't even begin to explain what had happened.

So I ran.

I don't remember where I went, I don't remember what it was like. But I remember being there and something snapping in me and I realised that I was the worlds biggest dick.

It was there that I realised that I needed to find Gerard and tell him what ha happened. I needed to explain. I loved him, and I needed him to know. He needed to know that I loved him and only him.

I don't remember making my way to his house but as soon as I got there, I knew things were bad. The door was left wide open which I ran through as quick as I could. I froze as soon as I entered the house though; almost the entire floor was covered in empty alcohol bottles and the whole place reeked of it. The scent alone burned my throat as I tried to step over as many as I could.

The phone rang, scaring the living shit out of me. I didn't answer it - I needed Gerard. I needed to find Gerard.

I made my way to the bathroom. I knew about his past habits and there was a feeling in my gut that told him that he would be there.

Nothing could have prepared me for the sight of him on the bathroom floor. He was layed on his back with a blade by one hand and an empty bottle in the other. His arms were sprawled out, one of them covered in deep cuts, every one of them dripping with blood.

I screamed at the top of my lungs- this was my worst nightmare. I knelt down in front of him, feeling my heart burn in my ribcage like a flame, painfully consuming me from the inside.

I pulled him into my chest, burying his face into it. I sobbed uncontrollably, struggling to catch my breath as I held the body of the boy I loved close to me. I rocked us both back and forth- for what purpose I don't know but I couldn't stop. I stayed like that for 10 minutes before pulling my phone out of my pocket and dialing 911.


The ambulance had arrived about 10 minutes ago and had to pry me away from him. They told me to go to the living room and calm myself down as much as I could. I was pacing the perimeter of the living room as I tried to calm myself.

I remembered that the phone had rang not too long ago, and I noticed whoever had called had left a message. I pressed a button on the answering machine and played the message from the previous caller:

"Hello, is Gerard Way here? This is Belleville hospital, we have some treat news for you about your brother: he woke up today! Could you please cone in as soon as you can? Thank you."


The ride to the hospital was agonising. All I wanted to do was hug him, but I couldn't touch him. It was painful.

I couldn't concentrate on anything- I was too panicked. All my thoughts seemed to blur into one. It was like looking out of a window in the ambulance: everything was mixed together and I couldn't made put anything due to how fast it was going.

What was the most painful was actually being in the hospital. Having to sit in those waiting rooms alone, knowing that the love of my life was just a few rooms away.

I was sweating and shaking. I needed to know if he was okay. I needed him to be okay. I loved him too much to say goodbye; I don't care how selfish that sounds, I loved Gerard Way.

I loved Gerard Way.

The whole time I was waiting I was praying to whoever was out there for him to come back, for him to be able to go back home and talk with Mikey and telling him off for doing this and scaring the hell out of him, whilst Mikey calls him a hypocrite. I want him to come back so we could cuddle in the mornings again, where the sunlight creeped in through the blinds and made his already perfect face glow with a new type of golden beauty which somehow made him look more beautiful. I prayed and prayed but whoever was out there had finally turned their back on us.

"Frank Iero? I'm so sorry..."

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