If You Stay, I Would Even Wait All Night

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Yes, Frankie, I guess I am, do you want to go on a date with me?"

I asked confidently, although I couldn't feel less confident if I tried. I felt like I was about to break down, and if he said no then I definitely would. Although all my fears were shoved into nothingness with one sentence:

"Yes, I would love to go on a date with you!" He squealed. That was so adorable, I didn't realise that he could squeal like that, especially after how dominant he was last night.

I smiled so hard that my jaw hurt and gently pressed my lips against his, the kiss pure and innocent. Full of love and happiness. Our lips barely touched but the connection that was there was breathtaking; I felt like I could cry with happiness.

We both pulled away and I saw he had tears of happiness in his eyes. He smiled widely at me and I couldn't help smiling back at him; he looked so innocent and pure. He reminded me of an angel, his beauty seeming celestial. He was definitely too perfect to be human and I felt like I was in heaven when I was with him.

However, no matter how much you try, you can't make your utopia last forever. My phone rang loudly from my jeans on the floor and I groaned; now was not the time I needed people calling me.

I kissed Frank on the forehead and go out of the covers. I stretched and heard Frank wolf-whistle behind me, which I replied with blowing a kiss.

I found my phone and saw Mikey's name on the screen, making me panic immediately. What had happened? Had someone found him? Was he hurt?

I answered the phone and took a shaky breath, calming myself down.

"Gerard? Oh my god Gerard, thank god you're okay! You left last night without telling me you were leaving and when I went into your room you weren't there I got worried and then I saw the razor on the floor and the vodka on the side and I panicked so much and- you're okay."

Wow, that made me feel like a dick. I didn't think about Mikey at all last night and he was probably scared shitless; even though he had friends, I was still his only family.

"Hey Mikes, slow down, I'm okay. I'm really sorry that I didn't call you or something to tell you what was going on. But everything is fine, I spent the night at Frank's," I blushed and turned around to face him, giving him a small smile, which he returned making his face seem to light up.

"Oh yeah? You two are pretty cute, to be honest," he replied. I could basically hear the smile in his voice.

"What we were doing last night together wasn't very cute," I laughed back. I felt something hit my back and turned around to see Frank blushing a deep red and a pillow on the floor behind me, which I quickly picked up and threw back at his head making us both struggle to breathe with laughter.

"Hey you twat, are you even listening?" I heard Mikey yell at me. Whoops.

"Sorry, can you say that again?" I asked awkwardly. He groaned and sighed, and I could hear him rolling his eyes at me.

"I said when you stop flirting with your fuck buddy, can you get your ass home because I need to tell you something. It's quite important."

Uh oh. That's not good.

"Of course, I'll be home in about half an hour," I promised him, saying goodbye and hung up. I turned back round to Frank and walked back to the bed, sitting next to him and smiling slightly. He reached out and tucked my hair behind my ear, uncovering my face and making me blush even more; I must look like beetroot at this point. He giggled and stood up, walking to his chest of drawers and pulling out a pair of boxers, before pulling them on.

"So, where are you off to?" He questioned, quickly getting dressed into black skinny jeans and a tight black shirt. He looked so hot.

"Just back home, I need to make sure my brother is okay. And I need to get ready because I am taking you out tonight. I'll come here at 7, and I'm not taking no for an answer," I announced in a sing-songy voice, getting up and dressed myself.

"I wouldn't dream of it baby," he giggled.

I walked over to him and kissed his forehead and making blush slightly, his cheeks turning a gorgeous rosy colour. He was adorable and I don't know what I did to deserve him.


"There you go Gee, home sweet home, "  Frank sang as we approached the front of my house. He had insisted on walking me home and we had walked the entire way holding hands and making conversation, finding out more about each other.

I was actually sad when we reached my house. I kissed his lips softly, and he gently held my face in his hands, pulling me in closer.

"Now you go in and sort your brother out, and I will go home and get ready for tonight." He tapped my nose gently before turning around on his toes and skipping off back down the path to his house. I giggled and shook my head before entering the house.

"Mikey?!" I cried out in shock and horror when I saw my beloved brother, the terror of what I had just witnessed made me want to scream.

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