Early Sunsets Over Monroeville

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I came round about an hour later. I was still on the floor in the same place but the corridors were empty as lessons had already started. There was absolutely no point in going to class as they were pointless enough at the best of times, nevermind when you've missed half of it.

I stood up and felt my head spin, a similar feeling to the first time you stand up when you have a hangover. I tried to ignore it but the feeling was overwhelming. Just standing still was a challenge. I couldn't have just been punched the once, I had my experiences with being hit and trust me when I say that I had been used as an actual punching bag this time.

I tried to take a step and felt a blinding pain across my head; I almost fell from the intensity of it until I felt a pair of arms hold me up from behind. As a gay disaster who had no human contact with anyone other than my brother, I had no idea how to react. I tried to speak but all my words came out jumbled and unintelligible.

"I...uh...hi I uh... th...thanks um...sorry" I stuttered out. Fucking nice one Gee I thought to myself. I hadn't even seen this guy's face and I'd already fucked up any chance of having a friend. If there was any anyway. I remembered that I was still being physically held up and stood up, forgetting about my nausea and immediately falling to the floor.

"Oh my God are you...Fucking hell, are you okay?" He asked, the fact that he was trying not to laugh wasn't very well hidden.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I replied, wincing at the pain in my head as I slowly stood back up, not falling over and looking like an inflatable character that had been stabbed with a pin in the process.

I quickly glanced at the boy who had helped me and had to do a double-take because- Oh my god! He was gorgeous! He was short- tiny actually- and he had dyed black hair which was shaved at the sides and back, making him look very punk. He had perfect skin, fairly pale and so smooth like untouched snow- I had to physically stop myself from reaching out and touching it. His eyes were hypnotic; they were a melt of Autumn tones, the pale green pushing itself through to the brown in the front creating a breathtaking hazel colour that stunned me to the spot. His lips captured my attention most, however. They were a pretty pink in colour, looking like they had been kissed by a rose. He had a piercing in his bottom lip which I craved to feel on my own. They were open slightly as if he was shocked that I had stood up or I had looked at him. I wanted so badly to take a picture so I could treasure his angelic features forever.

"Hey there," he muttered quietly, a small smile playing on his lips.

I realised that I was standing way too close to him and I was definitely invading his personal space and tried to step back. Unfortunately, once again I had forgotten that my useless body wouldn't let me do that without collapsing and I felt my world spin once again as I started to tip backwards.

And once again, I felt a pair of warm, strong hands pull me up again, but this time, pull me deep into his body to embrace me like we had known each other for years.

"How many times is that today baby?" I heard him laugh. He was shorter than me so my head was over his shoulder but I could still feel his chest vibrate under mine. I felt the blood run to my cheeks in embarrassment and started to try and speak, forgetting how much of a disaster I am and what happened last time.

"I...uh...I'm sorry I uh...a person...uh...calledmeafagandhitmeandIdon'tknowwhathappened" I whined in one breath. If this poor guy didn't think I was insane the first four times I fucked up then he definitely did then. That's when I remembered that 'this poor guy' didn't have a name. And I hadn't told him mine either. Shit.

"I'm Gerard by the way, if you even care" I muttered under my breath.

"I know. I also know that kid who beat you up as well. I would tell you who he is but we're fairly close and I don't want to ruin the only friendship I have" He murmured, slightly awkwardly. I recognised that from somewhere but I couldn't think where. I didn't have time to think for very much longer as the torturous shrill ring of the bell echoed through my ears to warn me that a bunch of retards would be coming my way in a few seconds.

I felt his arms withdrawal from behind me and immediately missed the comfort and warmth that they brought.

And the ability to stand. Missed that quite alot too.

I saw him run down the corridors before the swarm of people came coming out of classrooms to their next classes. I however, stood paralysed in shock before realising that school was useless and decided to head home.

Aight yall I am so sorry for not publishing for a while, I was busy write Clefairy smut for the hug cult 😭😭
I've also been quite busy recently, a few changes to my personal life mean that I'm more useless than ever

(Also did anyone else picture Frank Naruto running down the corridors or was it just me?)

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