The Beaten and The Dammed

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That's all I could see on my brother's face. Deep purple marks covered his eyes and cheeks and jawline. I wanted to cry: It was like looking into the mirror when Dad was around.

I felt my eyes fill with tears and my cheat become tight. It couldn't be Dad, surely? Deep down I knew it wasn't, he never hit anywhere that couldn't be covered up.

"Mikey, oh my God! Who did this you?" I rasped out. My voice was a little bit more clear this time.

"The dickhead who put you in here. If he even thinks about going back to that fucking, it will be more than his arms that I break" he snarled back at me.

Not going to lie, he scared me. He always has a perfect poker face on, behind his glasses and bangs, so you could never tell what he was thinking. Ever.

"Wait, you broke his arms?" I asked, slightly in shock. "Why?"

"I'll give you two guesses, Genius. No one puts my brother in hospital twice and gets away with it. If you hadn't obviously been trying to keep me away from you in school then I would have done it the first time." He replied back, slightly more calm now.
I don't know where I would be without my brothey: Dead probably.
But I do know that he should have never have fought Billie back, especially in defence of me. Now he's the one who will get targeted and I can't deal with that. Although he apparently can.

"But Mikey, you-" I started to say, before I heard footsteps thudding on the hospital floor.

"Gerard! You're here!" I heard someone shout out. Who the hell could this be? Mikey is here, and no one else cares enough about me to know that I'm in hospital; Do they?

I lifted my head slightly, ignoring the blinding pain that hammered my skull. I felt my eyes widen in shock and my heart sped up: and heard it on the monitor too.


He was here.


I saw him slow down as he got about a meter away from my hospital bed. He walked over to me slowly and knelt down next to me, close enough that I could see the tears forming in his eyes. I felt my lips slowly raise up into a small smile. He was here.

"I'll give you two some space" Mikey whispered gently and I heard his footsteps echo out down the corridors.

Frank gently put his hand on top of mine and looked deeply into my eyes, as if he was searching my soul. I saw a single tear fall from his eye, followed by another, and another until he was crying a waterfall over my bed. I freed my hand from his and wiped away his tears and placed it on his cheek. I was in heaven. I wish I could have stayed like that forever.

But I couldn't.

From nowhere, my whole felt like it was on fire. I was in absolutely agony: my lungs could not take in air and I felt my world spin. I felt like my Dad and Bille were attacking me from all sides and I couldn't take it. I screamed out in pain and scrunched my eyes shut in a futile attempt to ease the pain in my head. I heard Frank call out and eventually felt someone grab my arm. That's when I panicked.

Above any pain that I was feeling at the time, that one needle prick in my arm made my lungs stop and my breath leave me entirely. Needles. I can't stand them. It sounds pathetic but I can't cope with them. My heart monitor went into a frenzy with the sudden increase of my pulse and the nurse started talking to me in an attempt to calm me down.

"Gerard? Gerard, it's okay. I've just injected you with some morphine. This will help ease the pain a lot, just give it some time okay?" I heard her say, softly but with a hint of urgency in her voice. I nodded and tried to slow my my breathing. I was still in severe pain.

How long would it take for it to ease?

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