After Seeing What We Saw, Can We Still Reclaim Our Innocence?

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Frank's P.O.V

"Look alive sunshine"
Came a slurred voice. My breath had frozen solid in my throat and I began to tremble in fear.

Gerard pulled away from our embrace and slowly - dangerously slowly - turned around. He was outraged, shaking with anger. His father, however, showed nothing but pure disgust which infuriated Gerard further - if that was possible.

I was frozen to the ground, unable to move with fear. When his father came to my house, he was shit faced drunk and barely able to walk. I opened the door for him, unaware of who he was. Then he grabbed me by my collar and threw a punch to my eye. After that, he began yelling about how I had "infected his sons with my homosexuality". That's when it hit me who it was.

He then passed out and I couldn't just leave him there so I carried him to my room in hopes that he would sober up and calm down in his sleep; which had proven to be a mistake.

Because of this mistake, I was left with a furious Gerard Way and a disgusted (and still drunk) Donald Way, both of whom were willing to use violence, glaring at each other from the ends of my living room.

" Hello, son, " his Dad smirked, still slurring his words. This proved to be the final shove for Gerard; the one that caused him to storm towards his father and pin him against the wall by his neck, the action too fast-paced for anyone to try to stop it.

"Don't you fucking dare call me son! You abuse me, you abuse Mikey, you abuse Frank, you abandon your kids because you were always too drunk to give a shit about us, you lost the right to call me son a long fucking time ago!" He seethed. His father was unfazed and smirked, barely straining out the sentence

"And I bet you're still too much of a pansy to do anything about it."

It was as if everything was in slow motion - all I could see was Gerard pulling his fist back and preparing to take revenge on his father, giving him a taste of his own medicine.

I tried to call out but the words wouldn't leave my throat. I tried to run but my feet were glued to the ground. Time seemed to pass by in frames until I heard a cry of Gerard's name and saw my roommate force him away.

This brought me back to my senses as I ran towards them, helping Bert force Gerard away, who was continuously screaming profanities at his father, most of them unintelligible alongside mine and Berts futile pleas for him to calm down.

It was then that I heard a knock on my door, which has been left open due to the events that had taken place, followed by urgent footsteps and cries if mine and Berts names.

I knew that voice. As did Bert. As did Gerard, and his father. Every single moment in the room came to a halt as we saw the lanky boy, terrified of what he had seen. Behind his dark-rimmed glasses and long brown bangs, his usual stony poker face showed an expression of fear as little Mikey Way had to witness the scene that had played out moments before he had arrived.

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