I've given up on these, fuck it

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Frank's P.O.V

His father was lying on the floor.

His brother was being restrained by his boyfriend and his roommate.

I rarely pitied people, but Mikey Way in that moment of time was one of the people that I pitied most in my life.

I watched as the expression on his face flitted between fear and shock as he took in the scene before him.

Me and Bert dropped Gerard - although Bert didn't take his eyes off him for a second. I walked over to Mikey and asked him if he was alright, trying to keep my voice steady. He didn't reply; his breathing became heavy and harsh, quickening as his face became paler. He started to tremble and I knew I had to calm him.

I took him into my arms in a delicate hug, gently whispering that everything is okay. He gently put his face in my neck and began to sob heavily.

I heard a voice call out. I looked up and saw a boy with swoopy, emo bangs and dramatic black eyeliner around his eyelids. He was panting heavily and had a severely worried look on his face.

I unwrapped Mikey from my arms to show the boy that he was here. I felt him lift his tear-streaked face from my neck and look up at him with wide, fearful eyes.

Mikey whispered softly. He took a breath, trying to calm himself, but failing miserably as he burst into tears once more.

Pete, as I found out his name was, ran towards the trembling boy and pulled him into a warm embrace, peppering his head and face with tender kisses. He looked at me with questioning eyes, which I answered by nodding my head to the man on the floor, and the two men towering over him.

I saw his eyes widen as he held the back of Mikey's head to his chest.

"Call the police," I commanded him. He nodded and took his cell phone out of his pocket, dialling 911 as fast as his trembling hands would let him. Mikey was still clinging to him like a lifeline and shaking like a leaf and all I could think about was how bad I felt for him. What had his father done to Mikey? Poor Gerard would have suffered more from Mikey being hurt than being abused millions of times.

"Frankie? Hey, Frank," I heard Gerard call my name from the other side of the room. I looked at him and saw both him and Bert look at me in confusion. I must have spaced out.

I looked over at their dad and saw him begin to stir, leading me to walk over there and haul him up by his collar and pin him back up against the wall

"Listen here, the police have been called and will be here any second. If you even think about ever coming here again or going anywhere near Gerard or Mikey I will hunt you down and make sure you never do it again. Understand me?" I growled through gritted teeth, my face inches from his.

He nodded slightly, his eyes growing wide and fearful. Satisfied, I dropped his collar and heard a 'thud' and a grunt as he hit the floor.

I should probably feel guilty about it but a) with who he is and what he did, he doesn't deserve my guilt and b) I was used to doing that and more to anyone who hurt Gee during school.

"Frank! They're here" I heard Pete shout to me, causing me, Bert and Gerard to step away.


Gerard's P.O.V

I swear I have no idea what to think of what happened. I was feeling all sorts; obviously, I was happy because he was finally arrested for what he had done and a restraining order had been put in place. But I was also upset, he was still my father and now I have no parents again.

I spoke to the police about our situation with Mikey. Pete's parents said that they will be his legal guardians and since I was a legal adult then I could carry on living how I am.

Since then, Frank had been treating me like a princess and it was a little overwhelming in all honesty. But I know all he wanted to do was help me.

"Hey Gee, come here a minute!" I heard him call from the bedroom. He was up to something, I could hear his smirk which worried me.

I gently padded to the bedroom, only to be faced with pitch-black darkness.

"Frank, what on earth are you up to?" I asked, fumbling around for the light switch. I finally found it, and let out a loud gasp when I flipped it.

Frank was sprawled out on the bed wearing a short baby pink skirt with a little bow on the front, with knee-high stockings that matched. He was wearing a black crop top that cut off just under his chest and an adorable baby blue kitten collar with a heart-shaped bell dangling from it.

I felt my face heat up and I was at a huge loss for words; even more so when he stood up and walked in front of me and kissed my neck, before taking a step back and twirling around, making his skirt lift up and reveal that he was wearing delicate red lace panties.

"You like?" He giggled

I walked up to him and pushed him back towards the bed, attacking his neck with gentle nips and kisses, before pushing him down and moving to his lips.

This was going to be a long night.

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