I'm Not Okay

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"Look at me Mikey" I whispered tentatively, afraid of scaring him. I felt him shake his head and pull me tighter into his trembling body.

"Come on Mikes, who did this to you?" I asked with a bit more authority in my voice. This was serious- what if someone found out that I was his brother? They would never leave him alone.

I gently pulled him off me and held his shoulders so we were face to face and I could see the bruise in all light; it was horrific- almost as bad as what Dad had done to him years ago. It was a deep purpley/blue in colour and looked extremely painful. This was my fault- if I had been looking out for him like I should have, it wouldn't have happened.

I heard him take a few shaky breaths and watched as he tried to steady his breathing.
"It was this new kid" he finally muttered, as if he was afraid that this kid would hear him.
"There's two new guys who started a few weeks ago, I don't know their names, but it was one of them," he whimpered.

A new kid? Fucking when? To be honest, I don't really pay attention to who shouts slurs at me and trap me in lockers and if he's doing this to my brother then he's probably with them. That dick is going to pay, one way or another.

Who am I kidding? As 'Frnk' said, I'm fucking soft. I ain't gonna do shit, let's be honest. But I need to find out why someone would do this, especially since they're new and doesn't know we're related. And especially who

Who would do this to my precious Mikey?


Hey!! I just wanna say thanks for reading this, I know how bad my writing is - especially this part - so thank you for that XD

I'm also really sorry that I'm not posting regularly, my brain doesnt wanna work atm so I'm not doing much 😅

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