Brain stew

85 5 3

Tw: Violence
"Hey Gerard
I heard about your brother, I'm really sorry. I know who did it, but I can't tell you. He's a close friend of mine, my only friend actually, and I need him. I can get him to stop though, as well as stop them all from hurting you. But you'll have to give me something back.
Let me know, but don't wait too long; I'm not very patient, as you'll soon find.


I opened my locker the next morning and another note flew out. I opened it immediately this time, kind of wanting to know what 'Frnk' had to say to me. I felt drawn to this guy, craving to know more about him. However, as soon as I opened the note my thoughts began to spiral: What the fuck? Why does he know who my brother is? Who else knows?

I read the letter again and again, each time I was getting more confused. Why does he care about me getting hurt? And why would he stop it from happening? And even if I would take up his offer of getting it all to end, how would I find him to ask and also to give him whatever he wants back?

There were too many questions bouncing around my head to be able to think properly so I made my way to class before the bell rang. I had art, that's a good lesson. I walked as quick as I could to avoid seeing anyone on the way, but it's just my luck that I ended up walking headfirst into someone. I apologised quickly and tried to walk off but they grabbed my collar and pinned me up against a locker.

"And just where do you think you're going, faggot?" He spat. I looked up and took in his features: he had black, messy hair and vibrant green eyes which were lined with thick, black liner. He had fairly pale skin and a round jawline. He was slightly shorter than me but definitely attractive. If he wasn't about to smash my skull enough to make brain stew then I definitely would be turned on by him pinning me against a locker.

But unfortunately, he was and his voice, dripping with hatred, brought me back to my senses.

"What's wrong gay boy? Lost your tongue with your heterosexuality?" He smirked, pushing me further into the lockers.

"Did you lose your manners with your common sense?" I sassed back immediately.

I don't know why I said that it just came out but with the way that his face twisted into anger as opposed to hatred, I knew that I was pretty fucked. I saw him raise his fist and felt a jolt of pain in my lip as he struck me in the mouth. I felt it start to bleed and winced when I touched it with my tongue. I expected him to hit me again and was (pleasantly) surprised when he let go of my shirt and let me drop to the floor.

That was the last thing I remember before everything went black


Aight so there's like 15 of yall reading this and Idk why but it's really appreciated

Also, should I (try to) write smut in the future? Can't say it'll be any good but I can try XD

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