Not An Update

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Hey yall ^-^

I just wanna apologise to whoever is actually reading this for barely updating and when I do update, it being horrific
I have absolutely no idea what I want to happen with this at the moment but I do know what's happening at the end so stopping the fic isnt gonna happen (that's probably worse news so, I'm sorry 😅)

I also wanna thank yall for sticking around long enough to get to this point and I want yall to know that I am both deeply grateful and deeply worried- yall need a life

I will be updating more often but it still won't be regularly

Thank you guys :)

(Someone put my fic into a folder thing called "If you dont read this then you're missing out on life" and I'm absolutely losing it afhsshsgjdhdhd it has ASOTM in the same folder I'm crying thank you so much adqfsfgsshwgw)

XoFrnk||Frerard AUWhere stories live. Discover now