You Can Take All The Pain Away From Me

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I woke up the next morning with my mouth as dry as the Sahara desert and my head feeling like it was going to explode. I didn't remember much from the previous night but I have a feeling that it wasn't good,due to the pain from my head and my... arms?


Oh fuck, that's what happened. I was missing Frank. I hoped he was okay.

I opened my eyes to find myself in a dark room; it was definitely not my own. There were clothes scattered all over the floor and, from what I could make out, it had cream coloured walls and a green carpet; it was almost identical to Bert's.

Shit, I didn't. Did I?

That's when I remembered everything. I hadn't slept with Bert: I'd slept with Frank! I felt my heart swell with happiness and my eyes begin to water, I don't remember the last time I felt this happy.

I turned my head over slightly and saw Frank's angelic features facing me, his face soft and relaxed in his sleep. His breathing was steady and rhythmic and I felt like I could listen to it forever. His hair was messy and all over the place but I loved it anyway; he looked adorable and I wouldn't change it for the world.

I reached over and tucked a stray piece of hair behind his ear, giving me a better view of his perfect face. He stirred at the contact and opened his eyes slowly, squinting a little from tiredness.

"Wh- what..?" He started, obviously confused from being awakened by another person. I chuckled; his morning voice was groggy but hot, deeper than usual and more raspy.

"Good morning" I whispered, not wanting to make either of our headaches worse, and smiled slightly. This was real, I was really lying in bed with him.

"Gerard?" He questioned tiredly. He obviously still wasn't awake enough to realise what was going on.

Frank's P.O.V

"Gerard" I asked, tiredness still filling my head. I had never been that hungover since my 14th birthday and I snuck vodka from my Dad's cupboard. He noticed, it was the only thing he ever noticed. If it wasn't alcohol then it wasn't important to him. My mum died during my birth so I never got to meet her but my Dad was awesome when I was a kid.

I don't remember what happened but he suddenly depended on alcohol to survive. I guess it didn't happen overnight but I only really noticed on my 10th birthday when he forgot. We celebrated halloween and my birthday every year, always having a spooky birthday party and inviting all my friends. And the day after, me and my Dad would go out to a theme park or something, just me and him; father/son bonding time. Then, on my 10th birthday he was so drunk that he forgot that it was my birthday, and as a kid I was confused and upset. I asked him if we were going to do something like always did, and he replied with "if you don't leave me alone then I'll hit you".

He never actually did anything but he would constantly make threats, and I never saw him sober.

On my 14th birthday I couldn't cope anymore. I had no friends, practically no family and nothing to live for. I was depressed and believed that I was useless and a failure. So I copied my Dad and drowned out my thoughts with alcohol. I hated it. So much. But I kept drinking until I couldn't feel anything.

I hadn't drank alot at once after that, but instead turned to cutting. I've stopped that now too but sometimes it's so hard, especially when the person you care about most comes to your door, yelling how much of a coward you are, with fresh cuts up and down their arm.

I noticed Gerards cuts last night, bright red and hadn't scarred yet. He started crying when I pointed them out, and started sobbing when I kissed every one of them and told him that he was still beautiful.

Which he was. He was the most beautiful person in the world, and he was lying next to me looking at me with eyes filled with love.

"How are you feeling?" He asked. He had a morning voice, oh my god he had a morning voice. It was softer than his normal voice but I loved it so much.

"I'm good, thanks," I replied nervously

"Yeah same, what time is it?" He asked, sitting up to look for a clock. I looked at my phone and was surprised by how late it was;

"13:57, jesus that's later than I thought," I giggled. It was honestly nice lying in bed with Gerard, and he seemed to like it to as he made no attempt to move, despite how late into the afternoon it was.

"Well then Frankie, how about I take you out somewhere this weekend?" He smirked. This made me smile.

"Gerard Way, are you asking me on a date?" I gasped with exaggerated emotion, almost as if he'd asked me to marry him instead. Although I wouldn't complain if he did, even if it is a little soon.

He started laughing at my comment and it was like music to my ears; I could listen to it every day for hours.

"Yes Frankie, I guess I am, do you want to go on a date with me?"

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