Good News...Bad News

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*Taranchulas's POV*

It had been a few hours since Y/n has been dropped off at Taranchulas's lab. She was now in a somewhat more stable condition. That is if you can call it stable. She had a very high fever, high enough to almost kill her but low enough to keep an eye on it (like 103.6 degrees Fahrenheit for example. But still never let a fever get that high. It can make your life miserable. Had that happen to my husband who got pneumonia once :( ). "She's lucky to be alive," said Taranchulas as he goes back over to the table that had a microscope on it. It had a slide with a sample of blood taken from Y/n. Megatron had already left to go file some paper work on the incident. Taranchulas looks at the slide through the microscope. He noticed some irregularities in the sample of blood. "This is strange..." He writes down a few notes down on a note pad nearby. "From the looks of it besides energon poisoning there has to be another underlying cause." Taranchulas leaves his chair and goes into the walk-in fridge of where other blood samples were kept as well as blood bags in case emergency personal couldn't make it on the campus on time if any one needed a blood transfusion for a major accident, like lose of limb for example. He seen it happened once in an auto shop class. The kid thought it would be funny to see if he could make one of the power tools run across one of the desks. It worked but the kid ended up losing a couple of fingers in the process. After that the kid lost his scholarship to that class and had to take another class that was less of a chance of losing a finger or other limb.

Taranchulas takes a step ladder to get to the top shelf to grab a couple more slides to compare them to the slide that had Y/n's blood on it. He leaves the walk-in fridge, the other samples of blood on hand, shutting the door behind him. "Now let's see if my theory is right."

*Megatron's POV*

Megatron waits on the stage in the auditorium for everyone to take their seats, staff and students. Once everyone was sitting down, Megatron does a quick mental count to make sure everyone was attending. Three students absent, at home sick from the flu. Taranchulas is in the lab, making sure that Y/n stays in stable condition. Now...let's see who else of the teachers is missing. Megatron looks around the auditorium and sees that Cryotek was not there. Now that raises suspicions. He steps up to the podium. "Thank you all for coming. I am sure you are all wondering why I called you here." Megatron clears his throat slightly before he begins talking again. "We just recently had a human teacher poisoned by energon during lunch in the commons area today. They are in stable condition now." Megatron changes his tone of voice to a more strict one. "On a further not, it doesn't matter who did it, whether you are another teacher or student. If a teacher did it, their teaching license will be revoked and they will no longer be able to teach at Primus University, here in Paradise Falls, or any part of the state. They will have to find a teaching position elsewhere. If it was a student, their scholarship will be revoked for the major they are studying for and will have to find another major to study for. All scholarships and findings will be revoked and they will have to start over from scratch."

Megatron steps away from the podium and begins to pace. "I know these punishments sound rash but as something as severe as a human getting energon poisoning is very severe issue to deal with. The last one I recall that happened about five years ago to a teacher. I'm sure you remember what happened during that incident very clearly. A lot of you are still here from five years ago. Now as I was saying, punishment will be sever when I found out who poisoned the teacher. Your all dismissed now." Megatron watches everyone file out of the auditorium, paying close attention to the large raven that was perched next to one of the spotlights. As he walks away, he sees Taranchulas walk out of the shadows. "Did something come up, Taranchulas?" Megatron asks.

"A couple things, actually. I think it would be best if you come see for yourself."

*time skip brought to you by a snoring cat *

Megatron was sitting down in front of the microscope, comparing the blood samples that Taranchulas had given to him. "Run this by me again since ibam finding this hard to believe."

"It wasn't just energon she was poisoned with, it was also Cryotek's blood as well. Look at the first slide. That first sample is from when I had analyzed Y/n's blood to add it to our records. The second is hers mixed with Cryotek's blood. The third slide is what I taken an hour ago after giving Y/n a transfusion of your blood to counteract the energon. Adding your blood to the mix is somehow fighting Cryotek's blood." Taranchulas switches to the last slide so Megatron can see. "Good news is that we know Y/n will survive this ordeal. The bad news is we know who poisoned. But we still don't have the motive as to why Cryotek did it."

"We won't need a reason. He's done teaching at Primus Unversity as of now. I'll take care of it myself." Megatron storms out of the lab, intending to deal with Cryotek himself.

Taranchulas watches Megateon leave. "Looks like the hellhound broke from the Gates of Hades," he said to himself with a laugh. "Or should I say Hades himself."

Taming a Heart of Fire (Beast Wars Megatron AU x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now