Fanning the Flames

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*Megatron's POV*

Megatron returns to Sasha's house the next day to pick her up and take her to one of the warehouses at Primus University to use as a work station while she works on the ring. He'd rather have her where if an accident did happen, she could receive help as soon as possible. In the trunk of his car were all the supplies that Y/n needed to make the ring. A forge, unrefined gold, and a few other things to make it so she has the right equipment to handle molten gold. But if needed, he would help her out.

Megatron shows Sasha to the warehouse. It was completely empty inside besides what was going to be needed to be bought in from the car.

Sasha looks around. "Can this place be any bigger?!" She didn't know how to process what she was seeing. "I do not need this big of space."

"It either that or you'd have to explain to your parents why you are half-dead and the guest house is blown to pieces. And I know you'd rather avoid that," said Megatron.

"You do have a point. Now lets get to work. I'm going to need a few of your scales." Sasha starts to get the equipment set up.

Megatron changes into his Beast Mode and pulls off a couple of his scales, fresh energon leaked from the wounds.

"You're going to need to stay in your Beast Mode for this next part." Sasha pulls put a decent sized bowl made from refined energon. Megatron had to pull some strings to get it since refined energon was strong enough to hold the heat from his flames to melt his scales but still able to contain the melted liquid. Sasha takes the scales from Megatron and puts them into the bowl. "Burn it to hell and back!" Sasha yells before getting to a safe distance away.

Megatron opens his jaws and released a gout of fire, dousing the bowl and the contents within in in molten hot flames.

*time skip three house later*

Megatron, for the fifth time that day, had to pull Sasha to safely before the mixture of his scales and the gold, explodes again. "You need to be careful," said Megatron as he unshielded Sasha from his wings.

"Careful? Careful?! I have been careful! Just can't get the ratio of this mixture right." Sasha goes off on a ranting spree before calming down.

Tarantulas was not joking about that explosive temper of hers, Megatron thinks to himself. "Then what are we doing wrong then?"

"I don't know, okay? Never really worked with techno-organic material before. So how was I supposed it made molten gold explode?! Maybe I should try raw energon next and kill myself in the process!"

"And yet you are still here. Thoughts of suicide still there!" Megatron roars, shaking the rafters of the warehouse.

"You'd be suicidal if you been through the same sheit I have!" Sashs yells back.

"I was!" Megatron roars again, accidentally releasing a gout of flames from his jaws, barely missing Sasha who managed to get out of the way in time.

"What?" Sasha uncovers her head from her hand, the back of her hands hot from the hear of Megatron's flames. Even though she was wearing special gloves while working with the forge, she still felt the heat from his fires.

"I said I was. Many years ago, I made the mistake of taking in my ancestors spark into my chasis, causing my transformation into a Transmetal 3. It hurt and the pain made me very angry, looking for any outlet to end it," said Megan as he changes back to his human form.

"When was that?" Sasha starts to pick up the mess caused by the previous explosion.

"This was well before your time. Back during the war between the Maximals and Predicons. I was looking for an edge to beat Optimus Primal after he had taken in the spark of his ancestor, Optimus Prime."

"Wait a minute. Back up. How come some of your guys ancestors are still around today? I mean Tarn works at the animal shelter as a living lie detector and...." Sasha stops talking when Megatron gives her a stern look.

"Cybertronions can have their form changed when their sparks are transferred to a Protoform. Not an easy process as it takes time for the spark to adapt to a new body."

"I think I'm calling it a day."

"What's the matter, Sasha? Didn't like the history lesson?" Megatron teases.

"No you broke my mind with that information. Makes me wonder who's still around of the ancestors..."

Later thar night, Megatron lays in bed. Y/n was sound asleep next to him. The days events replays in his mind. "How can we get the materials to bond properly..."

"Bond what now...." Y/n sleepily replies from beneath the blankets.

"It's a surprise," said Megatron.

"I know about the ring, Megatron. You forget we share a bond." Y/n pulls the blankets off herself. "Now tell me what went wrong today?"

"I'm paying Sasha, Starscream's and BB's kid, to make a wedding ring. I'm trying to add my scales to the mix but the mixture exploded on us five times already." Megatron looks over at Y/n. "That was supposed to be a surprise."

"The ring will still be a surprise since neither of us know what it will look like when its complete. Have you tried applying a catalyst to the mix before adding your scales to the gold? Or add a catalyst to the gold and then add the scales?"


"Remember back when I had helped you guys bring Dinobot back from the dead? Hope was his catalyst to keep him stable enough for his spark to bond with the Protoform. Do the same for the ring and you'll do fine. Now go to bed or I'll give you a good reason to stay up later," said Y/n with a smirk before she throws a pillow at Megatron.

"Love you too, my dear," said Megatron before he kissed Y/n and gers comfortable before falling asleep.

Taming a Heart of Fire (Beast Wars Megatron AU x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now