A New Start

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*Y/n's POV*

It's five-thirty on a Monday morning when Y/n wake up to get ready for the day. She throws the blankets off herself and sets her feet down on the cold wood floor of her room, flinching slightly at the cold. "Good way to wake up," she mumbles to herself before yawning. She makes her way out of the room and shuffles slowly down the hallway, staying quiet or risk waking her five year old daughter. Y/n laughs to herself in her head. Her daughter was knowing to wake at the oddest hours of the morning to help her mom cook. As Y/n walks by her daughter's room, she hears the door open a bit. "Go back to bed, Megan. I'll wake you up when it's time to eat."

"But I want to help," said Megan. Megan was five years old. She had short brown hair and green eyes. She looks up at her mom with big, bright eyes. "Please?" Megan begs.

Y/n shakes her head no. "I'll wake you up when it's time. I promise."

"Okay, mommy. Love you."

"Love you too, sweetie." Y/n bends down and kisses her daughter on her head before going downstairs.

At the foot of the stairs, a cat and a kitten were asleep next to each other. Y/n carefully steps around them and makes her way to the kitchen. After about thirty minutes, the smell of pancakes, scrambled eggs, and muffins filled the house. Y/n hears the floor boards creak upstairs, knowing her two kids were just now waking up. Eventually she hears two sets of foot steps come into the kitchen. "How'd you guys sleep during the night?" Y/n asks without turning away from her meal prep for her two kids school lunches.

"For the most part alright, until the cat woke me up in the middle of the night wanting to play," said Chris.

"Which cat? You forget we are fostering three until their new owners come to pick them up in about a week."

"The maincoon. Can't remember her name." Chris yawns before rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"You mean Sassafras? At least she doesn't hide in the laundry anymore. What about you Megan? Did you sleep good?"

"I did. I dreamed mom brought home all the animals from the shelter," said Megan giggling.

"Thata sounds like a good dream. If it were to happen, if I remember correctly since then last time I counted the number of animals since then last adopting event, we have at least ten dogs, twenty cats, five lizards, and eight birds. So sweetie, would you like to share a house with all of those animals?" Y/n teases.

Megan giggles again. "No, momma."

Y/n sets the table and sits down, followed shortly after by her two kids. "Today is the first day of school. I want you two to be on your best behavior for your teachers. Do you guys know what to do if a bully picks on you?"

"Go to a teacher and tell them," said Megan.

"Or go to the principal," said Chris.

"That's right. I'd rather not get the cops involved with our family again." Y/n looks over at Chris who looks down at his plate of food, blushing in embarrassment. "Even though you did the right thing dealing with that bully, try not to let things escalate too badly." Y/n turns back to her meal prep for her kids school lunches. "Chris I'll be picking you up after school after I get Megan from her school. After that we will head over to the local animal shelter and check in on the animals and see how they are doing."

"I'm just wondering mom. Why did you turn the animals shelter here in Paradise Falls into a 'no kill shelter'?" Chris asks.

"Because this world needs more good people. Especially towards animals. Just because they are given up at the shelter because the owners think the animal is too old, too hyper, or too playful, doesn't mean they need to be abandoned. Animals, just like humans, have thoughts and feelings like we do, even though some people don't want to believe it." Y/n sits down at the table with her kids. "Plus there are people in this world who would rather cause their pets physical and emotional harm and think it's nothing more than a sick game. Karma will get back at those people, whether they think it will or not."

"So have anymore animals came in from abusive owners?" Chris asks as he takes a bite of his food.

"Yes. I just got in a momma cat and her litter of three kittens that just came in last night as I was putting Megan to bed. I got the call from the assistant manager there, asking me if I can take them in. Which I will after I get my job interview over at Primus University."

"So what teaching position are you going for, mom?" Chris asks.

"Not really sure. I could teach the college students about animal behavior especially on cats since no one really knows what a cat thinks sometimes." Y/n laughs at her joke. "Or maybe I can teach Psychology. Been a while since my teaching days back at our old hometown. But I probably won't enjoy teaching it."

"I think you should teach about animal behavior. That way if any of the college students are looking to adopt an animal from the shelter, they at least know what they are preparing themselves for," said Chris as he takes his last bite of food.

"That's a good idea. Alright you two, once you two are done eating, I want you two to get your stuff ready for school. I know it's still early in the morning, but it never hurts to be prepared," said Y/n with a smile.

*time skip brought to you by a cat that likes to play keep-away with your shoes*

It was now nine in the morning. Y/n had just finished dropping Alex and Megan off at their new schools. She checks her GPS on her phone before pulling out of the parking lot to make sure she is going the right way to Primus University, before turning her phone on to "Safe Driver" mode. After about getting lost about two times on the way there, she finally pulls into the parking lot at Primus University. Y/n gets out of the car and looks towards the University. "Carpre Deim," she tells herself before making her way to the front doors.

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