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*Y/n's POV*

It's been two days since Y/n has woken up in the lab from her horrible ordeal of the energon poisoning. She was watching Taranchulas taking a blood sample from her arm. "So when am I going to be able to leave here?" Y/n asks.

"You should be able to leave this afternoon. That is if I don't find anything else that is wrong. You are very lucky to have survived your ordeal. Not a lot of humans can survive what you've been through," said Taranchulas as he pulls the syringe and needle from Y/n's skin, filled with blood.

"But she will be on a leave of absence from teaching for a while," said Megatron as he walks into the lab. He has dark circles underneath his eyes from lack of sleep.

"Why is that?" Y/n asks.

"The whole campus is under investigation. Until we know for sure who poisoned you," said Megatron.

"I have a feeling its Cryotek. He's been acting like my shadow since that day three months ago where he interrupted my first day of teaching," said Y/n.

"We cant just jump to conclusions just because we think its Cryotek," said Megatron.

Both Taranchulas and Y/n give Megatron a "Really?" look.

"I say it is. Since day one I've been making sure I stay clear of any of the food that has energon in it. I remeber grabbing the cupcake marked for humans," said Y/n.

"Once I give the all clear, Y/n. You should be able to go home. You'll need to be on bed rest for the next few days," said Taranchulas.

Y/n snorts and laughs a little. "Did you forget that I still have a job to hold at the animal shelter."

"I've already made arrangements that the animal shelter will be taken care of," said Taranchulas. He looks back over at Megatron then back over to Y/n. "Your students, from the class you are trachung, are taking care of the animals."

"Who is in charge of the shelter? There are some families of Paradise Falls who are not eligible for adoptions, especially the one family who abused Millie."

"Isn't Millie the one with three legs?" Megatron asks.

"Yes. The families who are not eligible are the ones who Tarn interviewed himself."

"Speaking of Tarn, he is the one who is a step-in for manager for the animal shelter," said Taranchulas.

"That's good. Now I won't have to worry as much."

Taranchulas takes some of the blood sample from Y/n and puts it on a glass slide. He places the slide underneath a microscope. After a few minutes he looks up from the microscope. "Everything looks fine as far as I can tell. I'll pay you a home visit in the next few days to see how your recovering," said Taranchulas.

"Then I'll be on my way then," said Y/n. She gets off the hospital gurney and disappears into one of the spare rooms to change into some clean clothes that were provided for her.

Later that day, once Y/n was home and finally able to relax in her own bed. Even though she had three cats and four kittens curled up next to her. She reaches over to Millie, one of the cats brought over from the shelter, and pets her. "Now I can work on getting you guys a forever home." She could feel sleep taking hold of her and slips off into a peaceful rest. Its was during the middle of the night that Y/n wakes up with a start. She felt something was off. She gets out of bed, trying not to disturb the sleeping kitties. She changes into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. "Something isn't right." She checks the kids rooms to makes sure that they were with her father still since when she succumbed to the energon poisoning. She heads downstairs and as she heads into the kitchen, she sees movement outside the patio door. She steps towards the patio door to see what was outside.

"Who is out there?" She turns out the porch light and gets the shock of her life. She sees Cryotek moving among the trees. Oh fuck! I need to get out of here. She quickly turns the porch light off and decided to make a run for it.

*Megatron's POV*

Megatron was getting ready for bed and he hears pounding at the front door. He looks over at the alarm clock on the nightstand. "Its midnight. There should be no one visiting at this time." The pounding gets more frantic as Megatron quickly puts on a pair of sweatpants. "Who in the hell?!" He hurries downstairs and stops in front of the door. "If this is a a prank, by Primus you'd better..." Megatron unlocks the door and was surprised to see a very panicked Y/n. "Why are you here, Y/n?!"

"Cryotek needs...." Y/n puts her hands on her knees in order to catch her breath. "Cryotek showed up at my house. I panicked and ran. I didn't have time to call the authorities."

"How did you find my house? I never even told you where I lived." It was at this point Megatron felt a tug at his spark. Can't be. It shouldn't be. "How did you find my house?"

"I don't know. Just felt this urge to find a safe place so I was just running down the street and it ended up turning into a game of Hot or Cold. Eventually I found myself here. I didn't know you lived here. I just wanted to find somewhere to get away from Cryotek," said Y/n.

Megatron feels another tug at his spark and he wasn't happy about it one bit. "You might as well come inside then." He heads back inside. He didn't even need to look back at Y/n to see if she had followed him inside his house. "Seems there was an unexpected result of Taranchulas's experiment. The one that saved your life." Megatron goes into the living room and sits down on the couch. Y/n sits down next to him. "What kind of experiment?"

"With Taranchulas's quick thinking, he thought up of a way to save your life. By a blood transfusion. The only problem was that he didn't have any of your blood type in stock. My blood type, O negative, was your saving grace. What happened was that you were poisoned by energon which was in some of the food you ate. You would have died if it wasn't for us." Megatron sees that Y/n was listening to his every word.

"After you were stabilized, Taranchulas analyzed your blood. The sample we had on record compared to the one he collected from you after the incident."

"What did Taranchulas find out about my blood?" Y/n asks.

"Besides the energon that poisoned your body, Taranchulas also found Cryotek's blood in the mix," said Megatron.

Y/n didn't like what she was hearing. "So you guys have no idea why Cryotek did that, right?"

Megatron shakes his head. "Pretty much."

"I think I've overstayed my welcome. Can I use your phone so I can call the police about what happened."

"Be my guest. It's in the kitchen," said Megatron. He watches Y/n head into the kitchen. After a bit he heads back to his room. He grabs his cellphone and gives Taranchulas a call.

"You better have a good reason for calling me at this hour of the night!" Taranchulas said as he picked up the call on his end of the line.

"We have an unexpected result of our experiment. Seems we have created a forced sparkbond on our hands," said Megatron.

"What do you mean?" Taranchulas asks.

"Y/n just showed up at my house, saying that Cryotek showed up at her house looking for her. I started feeling a tug pulling at my spark. Giving Y/n a transfusion of my blood created a forced sparkbond."

"I'll figure out a way to fix it," said Taranchulas before he hangs up.

Megatron sets down his phone and heads back downstairs. The tug at his spark get more and more noticeable. "Y/n is going to have to leave before I end up doing something I'll regret," said Megatron as he listens to Y/n call the police.

Taming a Heart of Fire (Beast Wars Megatron AU x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now