Mending the Tear (Part 1)

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*Megatron's POV*

It was around midnight before Megatron heads back upstairs to tell Y/n that he was sorry. He knocks on the door.

"Go away," said Y/n.

"Taranchulas wants me to apologize to you."

"I said go away, Megatron."

"Y/n just listen to me. I'm sorry for what happened to you. If I had known what events would befall you because of Cryotek, I wouldn't have accepted your interview for the teaching position at Primus University. Can you at least let me come in so I can talk to you?"

"Fine. Don't try anything or I'll throw you through the window," said Y/n.

Megatron opens the door and heads inside. The bedroom was dark with only the light from the hallway providing light into the room. He comes into the room and sits down on the edge of the bed. "Like I said, Y/n. I'm sorry what happened to you."

"Can Taranchulas fix what has happened to me?"

"Im sure the scales will go away over time. But we still don't know how my blood will affect you. We know your body adapted to my CNA. But we don't know how it will still affect you."

"So am I going to be able to change like you?"

"Change how?"

Y/n rolls over in bed, so she would be facing Megatron. Well technically his back. "Transform like you can. From Beast Mode to Robot Mode?"

"That is still not possible for a human to do so. Even if Taranchulas were to give you another transfusion of my blood, it wouldn't make you be able to do what we can. That would require you to transfer your mind to a Protoform. Craft an artificial spark and put it into the Protoform. Then hope to Primus that your mind transfers and is stable enough to be kept in the Protoform while it creates your new body. That's where Taranchulas and myself will draw the line on experiments with humans. We did do an experiment like that in the past, many years ago, but the mind from the human held out for only an hour before dying, the Protoform and artificial spark following shortly after."

"I think I know why the mind didn't hold out for as long as it could."

"What would you think would make a mind, an essence of ones being, hold out in a body that isn't their own and alienate them for the next million years?!" Megatron asks. His temper was beginning to rise.

"Hope. You have to have a reason to live for, which is hope. With hope, anything can be done."

Megatron turns to face Y/n. "And what, with this hope of yours, made it so you didn't die on the operating table back at Taranchulas's lab?!"

"Being able to see my kids again, my friend's, my family, and my students whom I came to know and love," said Y/n. She sits up in bed, picking up on of the pillows, and throws it at Megatron, hitting him in the face. "And because of you, big guy, I would have died or ended up as Cryotek's plaything." She starts laughing when she sees the look on Megatron's face when she hit him with the pillow. "Sorry, big guy, you had that one coming."

It was hard to stay mad at this point for Megatron. He starts laughing. "You do have a point there, Y/n. I'll take you back home in the morning. In the meantime, come down to the kitchen and grab a bite to eat. I know you have to be hungry."

*Y/n's POV*

Y/n was down in the kitchen, working on making of homemade pancakes, while Megatron was in the living room, talking to Taranchulas on the phone. She pays them no mind so she can focus on her cooking. Y/n decided to add some fresh fruit, blueberries and strawberries, to the pancake batter. She dices up the strawberries before adding them into the batter. "Hopefully these will put Megatron in a better mood. I got lucky when I had thrown the pillow at him." Y/n laughs at the thought of the face he made when she did that. Right as she was pouring the pancake batter into the hot griddle on the stove, Megatron walks into the kitchen. "I'm guessing something happened?"

"You can tell?" Megatron asks.

"When you are with someone long enough, you learn to read them. Its quiet helpful when I catch my kids or students in the middle of lying to me." Y/n turns to face Megatron. "So what came up that was so important to talk to Taranchulas about?"

"When we leave in the morning, we need to stop at the lab so Taranchulas can take another sample of your blood."


"He wants to make sure my CNA isn't making your body change too quickly without hurting you." The smell of cooking pancakes hits his nose and Megatron walks over to the stove. "Pancakes, really? This late at night?"

"Its never too late to enjoy breakfast foods." Y/n pokes the side of one of the pancakes, checking to see if it was ready to be flipped.

"What kind of pancakes are these?"

"Flax seed flour pancakes with diced strawberries and blueberries. You were out of wheat flour and white flour, so I had to make do with flax seed flour. Hopefully they turn out right. Never really used flax seed flour."

Megatron leans back onto the counter, watching Y/n cook the pancakes. "I think you could survive it," said Megatron.

"Survive what?" Y/n asks as she flips the pancakes on the griddle.

"A sparkbond. You did survive my blood. On the phone, Taranchulas did say you might have to get another blood transfusion again. But the chances are slim if it needs to happen. The reason why is to flush whatever Cryotek did to you back in October, out of your body."

"I'm not bonding to anyone, let alone you, Megatron. Going though one heart break was enough with Rodney."

"Your still hurting from what happened. There was more to it, wasn't there?"

"As it turns out, two days before Eric was going to be adopted, I found my husband cheating on me. I was the only one to see it happen. Megan was at school the day it happened." Y/n steps away from the stove and sets the spatula down on the counter. "Why would he do that?" She wipes the tears from her eyes. "We both agreed on adopting Eric so why did he cheat on me?" Y/n's shoulders shake as she cries. "Why?" She kept repeating over and over.

"Hey don't cry," said Megatron. He pulls Y/n into his embrace. Her cries were muffled in his chest. "Some people don't know their actions end up hurting others. What Rodney did was a mistake and he broke your heart." Megatron continues to hold Y/n as she continues to cry.

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