Finally Together (Part 1)

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*Y/n's POV*

It was nice to finally be able to relax. Y/n finally got that beach vacation that she had asked for. It was still the slow season for tourists on the island where her, Megatron, Megan, and Eric are at. It wasn't cheap to get there either. Megatron offered to pay for the whole trip which made Y/n question how on Earth he had the money to do so. At this point Y/n didn't care. She was finally able to relax.

Y/n was sitting beneath an umbrella, watching her kids play by the surf, ready at a moments notice in case she needed to dive in after them. Megatron had chosen the island for them to stay at since the resort is more accepting of the Cybertronion residents of Paradise Falls. Sadly not all people were as accepting. Y/n didn't have to worry about hidding her scales at this point. She even gotten a few compliments from some of the beach goers as well as some kids asked if she was a Dragonborn-human hybrid from Dungeons and Dragons. Y/n was just glad to not have to hide her scales.

Megan comes running up to her mom to show her the sea shells she had found. "Mommy look," said Megan.

Y/n takes off her sunglasses to see what her daughter had brought.

"What do you have there, sweetie?" Y/n asks her daughter.

"Look at what I found." Megan holds her sea shells out so her mom could see.

"We can take them back to the hotel and clean them, okay? Just remember to be careful what you pick up."

"Okay, mommy." Megan runs back over to Eric after she had set her shells down on the beach towel next to her mom.

*Megatron's POV*

Megatron sits down next to Y/n. He was already in his swim trunks. "At least the kids are having fun. Feels good to finally get out of that office back at Primus University," said Megatron.

"Tell me about it. Just feels good in general to get out of the house."

"Plus we don't have to worry about Cryotek anymore."

"True." Y/n takes a good look at Megaton. She didnt know how buff he was until she had seen him in his swim trunks. He was buff but a well toned buff.

"Like what you see?" Megatron asks with a smirk, making Y/n blush.


"Can't hide your feelings from me anymore. Besides we have a big night ahead of ourselves."

"We at least make sure the kids are dead asleep before we leave the hotel. "

Megatron turns his attention back on the kids. He watches them for a moment before turning his question back to Y/n. "Got another question for you."

"Does it have anything to do with our sparkbond tonight?"

Megatron shakes his head. "No not really. After all this, would you consider moving in with me?"

"We'd have to get a bigger house. I plan on keeping my job at the animal shelter for a good number of years."

"How about a ranch? That way you can be able to take in bigger animals."

"Is this your way of asking me to marry you?" Y/n teases.

"To a point. I mean besides our bond, we have to follow human traditions as well and get married. But that can be worried about later on. As of now, our main focus is on our vacation," said Megatron before he lays back onto the beach blanket. "When you are ready we can go swimming."

"Sounds like a plan," said Y/n before she lays down next to Megatron.

Later that evening back at the hotel room, Y/n was putting aloe vera gel on Megatron's sunburn. He was a bit burnt on his shoulders. "Tell me again how you got sunburn?"

"Beats me. Still question it myself. And here I though I couldn't get burnt by the sun."

"You are ten times more likely to get sunburn when you are swimming. The water magnifies the sun's rays," said Eric as he dries his hair off. "Can we go eat now or should we wit a bit?"

"We'll wait. Give us a chance to rest," said Megatron. He sits back down on the bed. He was considering resting himself and letting Y/n take the kids down to the restaurant to eat. "You guys go on ahead. I'm going to take a nap."

"That's find. We'll see you later," said Y/n before she leaves with the kids.

Megstron watches them leave. He needed his rest for tonight and he knew that Y/n would need the energy for tonight as well. "Hopefully the sparkbond won't kill her. Now I'll need to just wait." He lays back onto the bed. It didnt take long for Megatron to fall asleep.

*Y/n's POV*

Later that night, when the kids were in bed sleeping off a belly full of good food, Y/n and Megatron head out. They made sure the kids were fast asleep before the left the hotel that night. "Where are we going?" Y/n asks.

"You'll see," said Megatron as he leads them through the trees of the tropical forest.

Y/n makes her way through the underbrush, pushing tree branches aside being careful not to break them. Soft sand squished beneath her feet. Even if she were to step on something sharp or jagged, it would hurt her because of the scales on her feet. The moon was just beginning to rise, giving light to the tropical forest around. "At least it's not the Amazon."

"You would have to worry about a lot more if we were in the amazon." Megatron ducks down beneath a fallen tree. "Not much further now."

"So why won't you tell me where we are going?"

"I want it to be a surprise. Besides if I did to you, it would ruin the fun of the surprise." Megatron continues to lead Y/n through the trees and into a clearing with pond in the middle of it. Trees surrounded the clearing and flowered bloomed in abundance. "How long can you hold your breath for?"

"Why do you ask?" Y/n asks giving Megatron a confused look.

"Its a bit of a swim to get to where we are going."

"Not for very long."

Megatron transforms into his Beast Mode. "Climb on and I'll take you to where we are going. Just try not to fall off."

Y/n climbs up onto Megatron's back. His scales still retaining the warmth of his body. After a few seconds Megatron dives into the pond with Y/n on his back. The shock of the cold water wakes Y/n up completely. After what seems like ages swimming though the dimmily lit underwater tunnel, they finally swim to the surface.

Y/n looks around at her surroundings as Megatron swims ashore. "You knew about this place, didn't you?"


Y/n returns her focus to her surroundings. Different species of tropical trees native to the island grow around the pool that they just surfaced from. Even different tropical flowers grew around the area as well.

Megatron swims to the shore line and waits for Y/n to climb off his back before changing back to his human form. "This is the most secluded place on the island. I rather not have us interrupted during the sparkbond." He looks over to Y/n. "I can tell you are nervous."

"Why wouldn't I be? I could die from this."

"I'm taking the steps so you won't." Megstron picks Y/n up and carries her bridal style. "There's a small hut here that we are going to. I'll carry you the rest of the way. The vines on the ground on the way there have thorns and I'd rather not have you deal with them."

Y/n looks at Megatron before looking off into the direction they were heading. In her heart she knew she wasn't ready for this but she knew afterwards both her and Megatron will be together forever.

Taming a Heart of Fire (Beast Wars Megatron AU x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now