Decisions to be Made (Part 3)

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*Megatron's POV*

The rest of the day at Y/n's dad's house was a bit more cheerful now that Tina and Draven were gone. But Megatron could tell Y/n was still down in the dump with what happened earlier. She did smile and laugh with the family, but the pain was still there. It was about five o'clock at night when everyone started to head home. Megatron opted to drive so that Y/n could focus her mind elsewhere. That meant a three hour drive of silence from Y/n and Megatron didn't blame her. His feeling about Tina and Draven were right. During the drive home, Megan and Eric were busy talking about the gifts they had gotten from the family. Millie meows from her carrier every now and then, begging to be let out so she can see her humans.

Megatron glances over at Y/n before turning his attention back to the road. Snow was beginning to fall, dancing through the high beams of the headlights. Megatron yawns. Watching the falling snow was making him tired.

"If you want me to drive now, I can. I don't want you falling asleep at the wheel and making us crash," said Y/n.

"Is there a rest stop close by? We can stop there and switch spots. Rather not stop during this snow fall," said Megatron.

"Give or take, another mile there should be a rest stop," said Y/n.

*Y/n's POV*

After a long drive, Y/n and the others finally arrive home. She watches Eric and Megan go inside, carrying Millie's carrier and the gifts they have gotten. Y/n was hesitant to get out of the car.

"Alright something is bothering you. Normally you'd talk my ears off about random nonsense. I can tell that something is bugging you. Is it what Tina and Draven said?" Megatron asks.

"Yes and no. The scales have grown out more since I've last seen Taranchulas. Taranchulas was wrong. The scales are not going to disappear. They are growing in more now. I just want to be normal again," said Y/n.

"Like I said, we'll go see Taranchulas in the morning. If what you say about the scales is true, I'm sure he'll find some way to get rid of them."

"Thank you for coming tonight, Megatron. Sorry it kinda ended badly because of my aunt and uncle." Y/n gets out of the car.

Megatron shuts the car off, taking the keys out of the ignition. He gets out of the car as well. "If you want, Y/n, I could...."

"No, Megatron. I should try to sort things out on my own first. If you think I'm going to do anything rash, I'm not. Just need to mentally prepare myself for tomorrow. Have a good night, Megatron." Y/n heads inside her home, shutting the door behind her.

Megatron watches Y/n leave. If he remembered correctly, Y/n had said that her ex-husband was coming to get Megan and Eric in the morning. "Let's just hope things go well." Megatron gets into his car. "After Christmas, I should try to talk to Y/n about doing the spark bond here soon. Hopefully Taranchulas is right. With the spark bond, it may halt whoever changes that Y/n is dealing with because of my blood." He starts his car, pulls out of the driveway,  and heads back to his home.

The next morning, Christmas Day, Y/n was in for a rude awakening. She could hear someone pounding on the front door of her home. "Just a minute!" Y/n yells. She gets out of bed, her feet touching the cold floor wakes her up the rest of the way.  The pounding on the front door continues. "I said just a minute!" Y/n looks at the clock on her night stand, it reads eight in the morning. "Who in the hell..." She comes out of her room. Eric and Megan were standing outside of their rooms, they weren't even going to answer the door. "That ruckus woke you guys up too, right?" Y/n asks yawning, rubbing the sleel out of her eyes.

"Dad should be here for another hour. Not sure who would be knocking at the door at this hour," said Eric.

"Eric and Megan. Both of you go get dressed and get your stuff ready for your stay at your father's house for today. I'll go deal with our unwanted guest." Y/n goes downstairs to answer the door. She opens it and immediately regrets she did. Standing on the front porch of her home was Michelle, the woman who Rodney had cheated with. "What a pleasant surprise, Michelle. Where's Rodney?" Y/n wasn't too happy about the situation.

"Rodney is asleep in the car, Y/n," said Michelle.

Y/n peaks around the door, making sure that Michelle doesn't come inside her home, to see if Rodney was in Michelle's car. The windows on Michelle's car were tinted, making it hard to see in. But Y/n could see just enough to see that Rodney wasn't in the car. "Good try, Michelle. The court's papers of shared custody of Megan and Eric states that Rodney must be present in picking up the kids or he forefeits his joint custody of the kids, this granting me full custody. So you either call him and tell him he needs to get his lazy ass here or he won't see them again for a long while, " threatens Y/n.

"Rodney slept in this morning. He had a bit too much to drink last night," said Michelle laughing, wiping tears from her eyes. "Now let me takesl the kids to Rodney's."

"Tell Rodney to get his ass here in thirty minutes or he loses his shared custody. I don't care if he is hung over and has migrane." And with that, Y/n shuts the door and deadbolts it so Michelle couldn't get inside. She turns around and sees Megan and Eric with their suitcases in their hands. "Eric go grab my phone in case I have to call the cops on Michelle."

"Yes ma'am," said Eric before he runs upstairs.

Behind Y/n, about five minutes later Michelle starts pounding on the door, screaming to be let inside. Thirty minutes later, Rodney arrives as well as a cop car pulls up in front of the house. Y/n steps outside and sees Silverbolt step out of the cop car. "Sorry didn't mean to leave your family on Christmas, Silverbolt," said Y/n.

"Its alright, Y/n. Now what seems this problem here?" Silverbolt asks.

"My husband, Rodney, was supposed to come and pick up my kids spend Christmas as his house. Michelle shows up instead of Rodney. The court papers state that Rodney is supposed to be present in picking up the kids and not have anyone else pick them up," said Y/n.

"Can you go grab those papers, if you will," said Silverbolt. He stops Rodney and Michelle from following Y/n inside her home. It didn't take long for Y/n to return with the papers. Silverbolt takes the papers from Y/n and skims through them.

Y/n gives Rodney a good look over. "Been out drinking last night, it seems like. You forgot about Eric and Megan, didn't you?"

"Shut up, Y/n," mumbles Rodney. He rubs his eyes. He could barely keep them open because of the glare from the snow.

"The papers clearly state that no one else is supposed to pick up Eric and Megan. So Michelle stepped out of bound on this one," said Silverbolt before he hands the papers to Y/n. He turns to face Rodney. "I don't care what's going on in your personal life but this is your second strike on this nonsense."

"Second strike? What was the first strike?" Michelle asks.

"You trying to pick the kids up from school from a half-day three years ago. A gentleman by the name of Torrence, and from what I can recall on what we have on file back at the police station, was a friend of yours, Rodney. That was the first strike. One more strike and actions will be taken," said Silverbolt. He turns to look at Y/n. "We'll see you at the party tonight, Y/n," said Silverbolt before he heads back to his car.

Eric and Megan went with their father with no further instances from either Rodney or Michelle. Y/n heads back into her home. She goes into the living room and sits down on the couch, staring at the presents underneath the Christmas tree. "That could have gone better." Y/n lays down on the couch and falls back asleep.

Taming a Heart of Fire (Beast Wars Megatron AU x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now