Fanning the Flames (Part 2)

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*this chapter will cover some uncomfortable topics that may be awkward or uncomfortable to younger readers under the age of sixteen. Read at your own desecration. If you feel uncomfortable reading this chapter, skip ahead to Y/n's POV or don't read the chapter at all. Thought I'd warn my readers*

*Taranchulas's POV*

"If you are saying about the bond being cut and feeling anger like something was lost, we need to leave now!" Taranchulas sets the kitten down he was holding and gets up off of the floor.

"Leave? Why should we leave?" Y/n asks.

"There are things I, I mean we, should have told you about us. Grab what you may need for a camping trip. Call who you need to watch your kids. We are going to go to where we will cause less of a scene. I will explain everything in the way there." Taranchulas hurries downstairs. He hurries outside of to his car while he waits for Y/n to come outside. He opens the passenger side door for Y/n as soon as she stepped outside.

"Lucky for you my dad was able to take the kids last minute. But he said he wants an explanation as to why it was such last minute." Y/n gets into Taranchulas's car.

"I will explain everything as soon as we leave. The sooner, the better." Taranchulas gets into his car. As soon as he was buckled in, he speeds off.

"So why did we have to leave in such a rush?" Y/n asks as she puts her suitcase in the backseat of the car.

"We Cybertronions have basic needs just like humans do. But just like humans, we have needs to breed as well. Because of what had happened between you and Megatron, it may have cause Megstron to go through his breeding cycle, or as you humans call it, heat."

"Great just what I needed. A sex talk from you about Cybertronions." Y/n was slight red from blushing.

"It seems severing the forced bond may have cause some problems on Megatron's end."

"I've been noticing he has been rather grumpy especially after the whole blood transfusion," said Y/n as she stares out the car window, watching the scenery zip by.

"And don't go denying you've been rather agitated around him, in more ways than one. You both were linked and shared emotions and desires. So he felt what you felt and vice versa. If push comes to shove we might have to have you both do a proper spark bond."

"I don't want to be bonded to anyone, let alone Megatron."

"We, at times don't really have a say in who are spark mate will be. Just recently Dinobot found his spark mate and the two got along like oil and water at first. You on the other hand, due to unfortunate circumstances, didn't have a chance to feel a proper bond beginning to form. Like I said, we might have to fix that."

*Y/n's POV*

After about three hours of driving, Y/n and Taranchulas finally arrive at a cabin in the woods. Taranchulas pulls up the drive-way to the cabin and Y/n was treated to a very shocking sight. Outside, towering over the cabin, was a rather large red dragon. It was pretty intimidating looking. "Oh crap!" Y/n wanted to stay in the car. She gripped the passenger seat.

"And here I was hoping we would get here first before he did. Just stay near me. If he tries anything, I'll protect you. Right now he won't be thinking rationally," said Taranchulas before he gets out of the car. He walks around to the passenger side door and opens it. "I'm going to try to diffuse the situation before he regrets his actions."

Y/n cautiously gets out of the car and glances over at Megatron who was now looking at her. She quickly looks away. "He's scary."

"Should have seen him when he was a Tyranosaurus Rex. He was less scary then," said Taranchulas with a nervous laugh.

"That makes me even more scared of him."

"Like I said, just stay near me." Taranchulas helps Y/n out of the car, earing himself a low growl from Megatron. "Yeah well I don't see you over here helping her out, you grumpy ass dragon!" Taranchulas snaps. He grabs the suit case from the backseat. "Are you just going to stay in your Beast Mode all night or do you actually plan on being human this evening?!"

"Taranchulas calm down, please. Rather not have you go and get into a fight with him." Y/n closes the car door behind her. "I'm going to go get a bucket of ice ready in case Megatron loses his temper."

Taranchulas laughs. "That might make him even more mad. You never seen him lose his temper."

Y/n glances back over to the cabin, ignoring the fact that the red dragon was pretty much a looming presence. "I didn't even know this cabin was even out here. Is this a rental or something?"

"I bought it," said Megatron as he changes back to his human form. "Its my home away from home."

"We use it during Christmas to host our Christmas party here. Which by the way if you want to come to, you are invited," said Taranchulas. He looks over at Megatron. "Are you going to be civil and actually talk to Y/n without making a scene?"

"Why? Why did you sever the bond that was between us, Y/n?" Megatron asks.

"How about we go inside and talk. Lead the way, guys," said Y/n. She stops in front of Megatron and looks him dead in the eye before slapping him across the face.

"What the hell was that for?!"

"Next time I want a near heart attack caused by a giant red dragon I would have brought my dice set! Think before you act why don't you. You put me in a near panic and had to get a babysitter last minute because of you. Taranchulas thought you were going to raze the city over something as stupid as a severed forced spark bond!!" Y/n heads into the cabin, slamming the door behind her, causing both Taranchulas and Megatron to flinch.

"Dice set? What did she mean by that, Taranchulas?" Megatron asks.

"You wouldn't have got the reference. In a tabletop game called Dungeons and Dragons, if you piss off the Dungeon Master, there's a chance he or she will throw a creature at the party they will either struggle to defeat or die against." Taranchulas opens the front door to the cabin. "I'm guessing she had the unfortunate luck of one DnD session of fighting a red dragon."

Megatron watches in bewilderment as Taranchulas heads inside. He runs his face where Y/n had slapped him. "Femmes can be so confusing at times," he tells himself before going inside.

Taming a Heart of Fire (Beast Wars Megatron AU x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now