A Change in Plans

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*Y/n's POV*

Y/n was glad to be back to work at the animal shelter. She walks in through the doors and sees Tarn at the front desk. "Did anything happen while I was gone?"

"We did have an applicant return an animal," said Tarn.

"Cat or dog? What's the reason?"

"Cat and their reason is that she is too loving." Tarn gets up from his chair.

"Too loving? How is a cat too loving? Take me to the cat and I'll see why she was given back."

*just so everyone knows, Tarn in no way, is a part of the Beast Wars universe. But I have him included since he is the human equivalent to a lie detector. Also if you want a good idea what his human form looks like, there is a picture at the start of the chapter, except he's wearing a t-shirt instead of an undershirt*

Y/n follows Tarn back towards the cat room. "So what else happened while I was gone?"

"We have an applicant who wishes to adopt Lobo. I told her she should come back on day you were here. So how was your trip?" Tarn pulls out a set of keys and unlocks the door to the car room.

"It was kinda eventful," said Y/n as she opens the door and heads into the cat room.

"That is a lie but it is information that doesn't need to be shared. It's a lie that Ill let slide."

"Tarn this isn't Cybertron. Humans lie all the time for a lot of reasons. You cannot try to deal with every lie you hear."

"So you don't want me to do my job here at the shelter?"

"Yes I still want to do your job. Just keep making sure no animals get adopted out to bad humans who want to want to use the dogs in fighting rings or cats as bait animals." Y/n looks around the cat room. "Now where is this cat that just recently got returned?"

Tarn walks over to the couch where several cats where asleep. He gets down on his hands and knees. Tarn reaches underneath the couch and pulls out a rather large cat. It was black and very fluffy. It was a Maine Coon. Tarn gets back up to his feet while the cat rubs her head against his mask.

"How can that mini house panther be returned here? She's still a kitten to a sense," said Y/n as she takes the cat from Tarn.

"She's only a year old but she still acts like a kitten." Tarn laughs a little when the cat starts to groom Y/n's face. "Also your dad called. He wants you to serve the changed will to your aunt and uncle, Draven and Tina I believe their names are."

"Oh yeah...them. He has his reason to write them out of his will." Y/n hands the cat back to Tarn.

"He did fax the will over. It should still be in your office." Tarn heads back to the front desk, but not before making sure the Maine Coon didn't follow him back.

Y/n heads into her office and sees the revised will sitting in the fax machine. She smirks before giving Megatron a call. After a few minutes Megatron picks up the call on his end.

"So what's the occasion for the call?" Megatron asks.

"Wanna go serve my aunt and uncle the revised will?" Y/n asks.

"Sounds like fun. I'll come pick you up as soon as I am able to." Megatron hangs up on his end of the call.

*Megatron's POV*

Megatron was on his way, with Y/n, to Draven's and Tina's house, to give them the revised will. "So how do you think they'll react with the new will?"

"Probably lose their minds. They still have to be mentioned in the will or they can make sure they still could get what they consider their share."

Megatron smirks. "They deserve what they have coming. I still haven't forgotten how they treated you last year on Christmasl"

"I haven't forgotten."

"We've been together for a good while. If you are comfortable enough to tell me, what caused the miscarriage of your second child? If you don't want it tell me, that is fine."

"This was back when I was still going to college to earn my degree in Psychology. I was working at a restaurant. Got into an argument with one of my co-workers. While I was taking an order out to a customer, they tripped me. You get the idea as to what happened next."

"How far along were you?"

"Five months I think. So anyone who wasn't close to me asked what happened, I told them it was stress. The first time I told Tarn that story, he had taken his mask off, looked me dead in the eye, and told me to never bottle up that pain again."

"Tarn can be pretty scary but at least he trusted you enough to show his face."

It was another thirty minutes before Megatron pulls into the driveway of Draven's home. Megatron shuts his car off. He gets out and waits for Y/n to get out before walking to the front door of the house. "Let's make them sweat."

Y/n knocks on the door. After a few minutes, Draven answers the door. He smirks when he sees Y/n.

"Now this is a first. You've come to see me," said Draven. After a few minutes, Tina appears at the door too.

Y/n hands Draven a manilla envelope. "Dad said to give this to you both personally."

Draven opens the envelope and reads the will. After a few minutes his face turns beet red. "What is the meaning of this?!!"

"Since you cannot be written out of the will, dad decided to make a change. Hope you both are happy. Also if you two decide to try and come after me or dad, I'll get my lawyer involved. Bye now," said Y/n with a wink before she heads back to Megatron's car. Once in the car, Y/n busts out laughing.

"What is so funny, Y/n?" Megatron asks as he gets into this car.

"Dad made it so that they both get ten dollars in pennies."

"Your dad is evil," said Megatron laughing as well.

*Moonpheonix1208 requested earlier on in the book that Draven and Tina get their just deserts. So I decided to do a thing. A more ofna nonviolent route per say. Enjoy my readers*

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