Finally Together (Part 2)

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*Y/n's POV*

Y/n didn't mind being carried by Megatron. But it was for a good reason. The vines as it turned out, were called Jumping Vines. Y/n figured out why very quickly. Megatron stepped on one, which broke, and it came flying up at them. Megatron turned his body so it would hit him instead of Y/n. She winces when she hears the snap of the vine hit Megatron on his shoulder. "That sounded like it smarts.

"It doesn't hurt too bad but it would have hurt you," said Megatron. It wasn't much longer before they reached the hut, well it more like a small cabin. Megatron sets Y/n down by the door. He reaches up into the overhang and finds the key to unlock the door.

"Do you own this place?"

"I do. This place is my home away from home or I should say ours now. Had this place for years. I'd started coming here after the whole incident with the ARK." He unlocks the door and heads inside.

Y/n follows. The cabin had the living room attached to the dining room. The dining room had a table big enough for two people to sit at, fridge, and stove. Upstairs was a small bedroom that was big enough for a bed, dresser, nightstand, and a lamp. The bathroom only had a shower, toilet, and a sink. No bathtub. "I'm still nervous."

"I know. I can feel it. But you are in good hands." Megatron opens the fridge and pulls out a glass bottle that had a glowing green liquid in it. He hands it to Y/n. "Drink that."

"This isn't going to kill me, is it?"

"No it's not. It will help settle your nerves plus it will make it easier for you to deal with the sparkbond. You may not remember but after you came too from handling Dinobot's spark, you spoke a mix of Latin and Cybertronion. It's still a form of energon. Its not low-grade though. Rather not have you drunk of your rocker and regret your actions."

Y/n takes the bottle from Megatron and opens it. She takes a drink and was surprised at the table. "Tastes like a mixture of Sprite and Squirt."

"At least this stuff won't poison and kill you. Finish that drink and meet me upstairs. That stuff won't last long."

"Wait a minute. Did you have these drinks stocked before we got here?"

"I did. I had a feeling this day would come for us. Even if it didn't work out for us when it did, we'd eventually would have found each other," said Megatron before he heads upstairs.

Y/n hesitates before she finished the energon drink. "At least I can eat this stuff now. Even if it is in small amounts." She sets the empty bottle on the table. "I still can't help but have second thoughts about this." She heads upstairs. Y/n heads into the bedroom and finds Megatron waiting for her. He had his shirt off.

"Come here," said Megatron.

Y/n takes a step towards Megatron before he pulls her to him. "I'm still nervous. "

"No point in getting cold feet now. Besides I've waiting a long time to be with you like this." Megatron takes a step back from Y/n. "Give me a second here. This won't be easy on my part. It will take a bit of energy to do so."

Y/n watches a ripple effect go across Megatron's bare skin. From his waist up, she watches in amazement as he turns the top half of his body to his Robot Mode. "I don't think I'll ever tire seeing that."

"Just like I never get tired of seeing you, my dear," said Megatron, making Y/n blush.

Y/n watches Megatron's chest plate ooen up, revealing his spark chamber. His spark just floated there, looking like a piece of a star. It shimmered in time to her own heart beat.

"Take it and become one."

Y/n reaches out and touches Megatron's spark, a bright light engulfed them both. When the light receeded, Y/n finds herself in the same place as when she had touched Dinobot's spark the first time.

"Looks like your mind has a bit of a fail safe," said Megatron. He looks around. "My question is why is this land so barren?"

"Maybe there's a part of me that still needs to heal." The landscape changes to when Y/n kept Dinobot calm. More of the trees with the pompom like flowers were in the area.

"I've seen these trees before," said Megatron.

"Really now? And tell me where you had seen these trees before?"

"I kinda got curious. Tarantulas hooked me up to the computer that you were hooked up to while you were keeping Dinobot's spark calm while it was being transferred to his new body."

"Curiosity killed the cat, Megatron. But in case you are wondering what kind of trees these are, they are called Mirmosa. The bloom sweet smelling flowers and depending on who you ask, some people consider them to be a weed considering how tenacious seedlings can be depending on where they grow. They are a tropical plant, which here in the United States, found in the southern states. Like in Arkansas for example." Y/n looks Megatron dead in the eye. "But that doesn't mean you had permission to snoop around my mind."

"Sorry I couldn't help myself," said Megatron with a smirk. The landscape around them starts to get blurry. "Looks like things are wrapping up. See you in a bit my love...."

Y/n finally comes to. It was morning now. Sunlight pours in through the window in the bedroom. She gets out of bed and looks around the room, seeing both hers and Megatron's clothes scattered about the floor. "Looks like we did more than just a spark bond." She gets out bed and stretches, her muscles stretched and the joints of her bones popped. Y/n picks up her clothes up off the floor. "Guess I should have brought a second set of clothes." She heads into the bathroom to take a shower.

"I'll let Megatron sleep." As she gets into the shower, Y/n thinks over about what happened during the night. She wondered if there would be any more changes to her. "Only time will tell."

Taming a Heart of Fire (Beast Wars Megatron AU x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now