Even More Problems

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*Y/n's POV*

It didn't take long for Taranchulas to take Y/n back to his lab at Primus University. He had explained to her on the way there that some tests will be done in order to figure out what kind of effects that the blood transfusion and the energon contained in Megatron's blood are having on her. Even as she was sitting in the lab, Y/n still had no idea what tests needed to be done. Even though Taranchulas just told her there won't be any invasive procedures. "So what is being done first?"

"Your insomnia will be easy to fix. Did you mention something about dry skin?" Taranchulas asks.

"I did," said Y/n. She moves her shirt down her right shoulder, as far as she could to reveal the patch of dry skin without needing to take her shirt. "Likeni said it's not eczema."

"Then I'll find out what it is then." Taranchulas goes over to one of the tables and grabs a pair of tweezers and a scalpel. "Now what is so strange with having dry skin?"

"It doesn't seem normal. Kinda looks a bit like scales," said Y/n.

Taranchulas had to stifle a laugh when he heard that. "Sorry about that." With the aid of the scalpel and the pair of tweezers, Taranchulas managed to get a sample of skin from Y/n. "This may take a bit to analyze. Make yourself comfortable or have a look around. Don't touch anything. I have things organized the way they need to be. Also don't break anything. Can't afford to have anything escape." He turns away from Y/n and heads over to one of the microscopes next to one of the computers.

While Taranchulas was busy, Y/n decided to have a look around the lab.

*Taranchulas's POV*

While Taranchulas was trying to get the skin sample analyzed, he had a nagging feeling that something was bound to end up getting broken. "I suggest you better not touch whatever you are about to touch. Rather not have something escape, or you end up getting burned, melted, or get shocked. So I suggest you sit back down."

"But you said I could look around, Taranchulas. You did say that," said Y/n.

"Just rather have you not touch whatever you were about to touch."

"You are not making any sense."

"Fine then. If I hear anything break, you will have to sit back down and wait. Mind the lables." It was another two hours before Taranchulas got any results from the skin sample he had taken from Y/n. It was around that time that Taranchulas was about to tell Y/n the results were, when Megatron walks into the lab. He could feel the tension in the air. "You have perfect timing Megatron. Y/n is here to get some tests done and I had just finished one of them. I had found something rather interesting."

"Get on with it, Taranchulas. I don't have all day," said Megatron.

Taranchulas looks back at Y/n, who was busy looking though one of the many books on one of the shelves. "Y/n, can you come here, pleas? It's best if you hear about this as well."

Y/n walks back over to Taranchulas and when she see Megatron, she knew it was not going to be a pleasant visit.

"What brings you here, Megatron?" Y/n asks.

"I'm here to give Taranchulas some news. But apparently what he has to say is more important," said Megatron.

"Anyways. As I was saying. I found out something rather interesting about the skin sample I've taken from Y/n. Turns out she has adapted."

Megatron gives Taranchulas a confused look. "Adapted? What do you mean?"

"We didn't know what would have happened by giving Y/n an emergency transfusion of your blood, as it had turned out, we didn't have any donor blood that Y/n's antibodies would have accepted. What happened when we had given her your blood, her body adapted to it."

"So tell me, Y/n. Notice anything different that has been happening to yourself lately?" Megatron asks.

Y/n could hear a slightly growl to his voice. Irritation? She takes a breath to explain what was going on with her, without giving all of the dirty little details. "I've been experiencing insomnia mostly. Plus I don't feel tired after a long day at work anymore," said Y/n.

"What is so important about that skin sample, Taranchulas." Megatron was beginning to get impatient.

"What's important about it is because of your blood, some patches of Y/n's skin have turned into scales. A slight mirror image of your scales to be exact, Megatron." It was at that point both Taranchulas and Y/n could see the irritation and anger in Megatron's eyes. "I think it would be best if you go wait outside the lab, Y/n," said Taranchulas.

"No issue there. The tension is thick enough to cut with a knife," said Y/n as she hurries out of the lab.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME SOONER?!!" Megatron yells.

Taranchulas flinches at the sudden outburst. "How was I supposed to know something like this was going to happen."

Megatron rushes Taranchulas and pins him against the wall. "How do you think something like this will affect us in the long run?! No human has adapted to anything like this!!"

Taranchulas struggles to free himself from Megatron's grip. "Like...I said. There was no way we could have known that Y/n...." Taranchulas looks Megatron dead in the eyes, giving him the daggers of death. "Will you let me the hell go?!!!"

Megatron tightens his grip on Taranchulas. He was not having any of it.

"We didn't know that Y/n would adapt like this. I'm still looking into what caused it to happen..."

Megatron let's go of Taranchulas, making him fall to the floor. "I want you to reverse the effects done to Y/n."

"I can't. The best I can do is teach her how to sever the forced spark bond between you two. After that there isn't much I can do. Just think we might have the first human-Predicon hybrid that adapted to a life saving blood transfusion!" Taranchulas gets up off the floor and dusts himself. "Or did you forget that if she had died, you would have to end up telling her kids what happened." He smirks for he had figured out what would set Megatron over the edge. "Or even better yet. If she did survive whatever Cryotek had done to her, he would have tried to claim Y/n as his own."

Megatron turns back towards Taranchulas. "Don't make me regret killing you, Taranchulas," growls Megatron.

"Oh wait I'm not done. If Cryotek did get a hold of Y/n, he would have raped her and later on killed her when he was bored of her."

In a flurry of flames, Megatron changes into his Robot Mode. There was no changing from Beast Mode to Robot Mode for Taranchulas had set him over the edge. He grabs a hold of Taranchulas, picking him up off the floor, threatening to crush him. "So your saying..."

"You were the best choice to use your blood to save Y/n. He would not have showed her love or respect. He would have treated her as a piece of property. At least with you, you would have treated her better." Taranchulas looks back behind Megatron, seeing a few small fires have started around the lab. "No let me go before the fire suppression system puts out the fires, ruining all of my hard work, and making me start all over."

Megatron let's go of Taranchulas and walks away, changing back to his human form.

"Go take a cold shower. That will help you cool down," said Taranchulas before Megatron leaves the lab, giving him the last laugh. "Now to take care of this mess." He pulls out a fire extinguisher and starts putting out the small fires around the lab.

Taming a Heart of Fire (Beast Wars Megatron AU x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now