15: Valor Ceremony

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The rest of the week, Y/n was distracted. Her mind filled with worry about the blood test results and a newfound determination to learn more about her magic. She began journaling all that she knew about it. It helped to keep her from worrying about the test results.

Hoshi begrudgingly gave the information he knew about celestial magic. He quite frankly didn't know much. Before Y/n, he said that there had been only two other mages that possessed celestial magic, but it was so long before her, the sylph didn't remember their names.

"Y/n, I've been looking for you." The h/c-ette looked up and met the violet eyes of her captain. She quickly closed her journal and stood to her feet. Her and Hoshi had been at the training grounds continuing to note more facts about celestial magic. Well, it was mostly Y/n doing work. Hoshi fell asleep on her head after complaining about being bored for thirty minutes.

"Relax," Fuegoleon said. "I bring good news. You know about merit stars, correct?"

Y/n nodded. "Yes sir. The Wizard King awards them to the magic knights that do excellent work."

Fuegoleon smiled. "For yours and Nala's hard work, the Crimson Lions have been awarded ten stars. He is also promoting your ranks as knights."

"Seriously!" Y/n exclaimed, her eyes widening in shock. Her heart raced from excitement. A large smile couldn't help but spread across her face.

"You should be proud or yourself," the orange haired man said. "You work hard. You acknowledged your weakness and strived to conquer them."

"Well, you were the one who told me sir, that being weak is nothing to be ashamed of, but staying weak is." She looked down at her journal of celestial magic notes, recalling the first time Fuegoleon told her that phrase not too long after she joined the Crimson Lions.

"Captain Fuegoleon!" Y/n ran up to the Vermilion who was talking to his younger brother. She bent over panting heavily. "I...apologize for interrupting you, but I have a favor to ask." Despite how her heart beat erratically from nerves, her eyes remained firm with determination. "Please train me, sir. I want to get stronger!"

"All right," Fuegoleon agreed.

"Brother-" Leo said. His brother cut him off.

"There's nothing wrong with her wanting to get stronger. That's an amiable quality she has." The man smiled at his knight squad member. "Let's go to the training grounds."


Y/n hissed in pain as the burns on her arm blistered. She used her Maidens Grace spell to heal them while quickly evading Fuegoleon's next attack.

"Nothing I'm doing works," Y/n thought while panting. "His defense and offense are perfect!"

"You're losing your composure," Fuegoleon said. "I can see it in your eyes. You're starting to panic. Stay calm and come at me with all you've got."

"Yes sir!" Her grimoire flipped open. "Celestial Magic: Zodiacal Embodiment-" The sundial turned to the sign of Leo. "Regulus Strike!" Yellow mana surrounded Y/n's fists like gauntlets. She stayed low to the ground and charged towards Fuegoleon. His flames deflected her punch before sending her flying again.

"Not yet," Y/n thought, running towards him again and again. "Not yet. Don't quit!"

Fuegoleon smiled at her tenacity. She was a stubborn girl who continued to persevere even if it meant putting her life on the line. Her magic was powerful, and with a little more work, she could easily climb the Knight ranks.

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