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I came to the terms that regardless of me not wanting to do this or even liking it. its gonna happen and that there is nothing I can do about it unless I want my dad and family harmed. So I walked back into the house paying no mind to the fancy cars in the driveway and headed to the kitchen where everyone was talking.

I just about walked in when I collided with someone or something. I staggered but didn't fall before gaining my balance with their help. "Sorry," we both said then laughed "no it's my fault I wasn't watching where I was going," they said I looked up and seen this nice looking guy with black hair and what looked to be grey eyes. "it's fine I wasn't looking either" I assured him. He nodded his head and pushed to the kitchen door open for me and allowed me to enter first.

I looked at everyone and when I saw three other guys I didn't know I assumed they were with the guy I am to marry then I looked over at this man who my god, he was heavenly tatted and his eyes could pierce through your soul. Not to mention he has the pantie dropping looks so that would be an issue if he is the one I am to marry.

"Sweet lord if he is then God help us," my inner self said I inner ward nodded in agreement. "Well look who is back" my brother O'conner said  I smiled and waved before I walked over with the guy I collided with and took a seat. " Athena you are to sit next to Elijah," dad said. I looked at the guys trying to figure out who is Elijah before the grey-eyed dude I met in the hallway looked at the tatted one so I walked over and sat by him and smiled my thanks to the dude.

"Now as I was saying gentlemen thank you all for joining us if you all didn't know this is my daughter Athena," Dad said as he introduced me. I smile and slightly waved. " Athena," my mom said "no please allow us," one guy said so my mom stopped talking and just nodded. " I am Derrick or as most people call me Der" the guy I collided with said. "I am Mathius but go by Matt" the guy that looked as if he had honey-colored eyes but look to be soft green. "I am Nathan or Nate " the young guy that had the side quiff hairstyle introduced himself. "And I am Benjamin or Benji," the dark brown green-eyed gentleman said. "Hello," I said " Hello they replied.

I looked to my left to where Elijah sat and waited for him to introduce himself. But he sat there and said nothing. I offered my hand out to him "Hello Elijah, nice to meet you" I greeted leaving my hand out for him to take but he didn't move an inch so I nodded my head and dropped my hand.

"Now that you all are introduced shall we get to the reason for this dinner?" Dad asked as he looked at Elijah who averted his eyes from me and looked over at my dad. "Right then, so it has come to an agreement that my daughter... our daughter," dad said as he looked at mom then back towards Elijah and the others. "Will be marrying Elijah" he finished "the guys cheered and whistled as well as clapped for their boss and I then went quiet. "So this dinner is a surprise celebration for their marriage" dad replied.

" It's no surprise Micheal the deal was simple, your daughter's hand or your life as well as your families," Elijah said which stunned my other family members but they said nothing just sat there. "What he meant by surprise was we wasn't expecting Athena home for two more weeks," mom said to Elijah to cover for dad. Elijah just sat there looking at them and they nervously swallowed.

"Well shall we get this dinner underway or let the food get cold?" O'Connor asked. I chuckled and looked at my brother. Leave it to him to turn a serious matter to a laughing one., that's why I love him, he helped me out a lot and was a great shoulder to lean on and cry on when I would never go to our parents.

"Right, yes let's eat," dad said then sat down, I caught the letters on Elijah's knuckles and tried to figure them out till I saw them all together then I understood. " What?" he asked making me look from his fingers up at him. " Road to Zion," I said everyone looked at me oddly and strangely but him. "What about it?" I cleared my suddenly dry throat. "Means a spiritual road to the hill in Jerusalem or to spiritual peace and nirvana," I said, " how would you know that?"

" I have learned a bit about spiritual religion and how others find comfort and interest in it apart from the everyday religious" I replied. He said nothing just went back to staring as he ate. I swear this man will be the end of me, but I hope we fuck before I die that way I will die well fucked and he looks like the type that knows how to fuck a woman's brains out.

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