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Couple days later after we got the cars situated the funeral arraged and the bodies back from forinsics. I was ready to move on, never will I forget but I want to life my life. I know that the would want me to as well as they would want O'Conner too and that the path they picked they would want us to stay clear of.

I was brought out of thought when there was banging on the door so I went and checked the peep hole and held my finger up to Benji who was with me while Elijah and the others went to deal with their issues. When I opened the door I was swarmed by cops. "Athena Henley you are under arrest" the cops said and them proceded to push me up agaisnt the wall while me and Beji was asking them what was going on why was I being arrsted. but none of them said anything. I looked at Benji " Call Lijah and tell him what is going on and follow us to the sation" I told him as they pulled me out the house and shouved me into the back of their car as if I was some disturbed crimnial who commited arson or murder.

I sat in the back not saying a word as they took me to the station. When we got their they pulled me out and dragged me into the doors with Elijah right on their ass yelling and cussing at them. "Sir your gonna have to calm down " A female officer said "Calm down, my wife was jsut arrested for nothing, and you want me to calm down" he said. She asked him to calm down while they booked me and then took me into a interview room.

"I wont speak until my atternoy gets here" I siad "you dont have that right" one cop said I rolled my eyes. Apprently this dude missed out on learning his Miranda rights. "Like I said officers I am not saying a word on anything you ask till my atterney arrives so you might as well walk out the door and leave me here or jsut put me in the holding cell till they arrive" I tell them. So the guy roughly grips the fuck out of my arm and puleld me out " Can you loosen your grip your hurting me" I said. I Could hear Elijah loose his shit while I was being tossed into a cell. I stumbled me caught my self before headbutting the cemnet wall.


Once my atternoy arrived I talked to him he told me he has worked with Elijah for years and that with what I told him that their will be no case which they told him will be in a twenty minutes since they wanted it rushed and filled the judge with lies about what all I done. I thanked him and then sat there with him and talked to the cops anwsering their questions while Mr. Hollins recorded it all.

After they asked the questions and got what the wanted out of me for now which was th truth I was taken back to the holding cell. "Tell Elijah to please calm down"I asked Mr.Hollins he nodded and then walked over to Elijah and did like I asked. Lijah looked up and I nodded my head and he did like I requested. Mr.Hollins filled him in on what is going on while I sat on the hard ass bed and waited for my trail.

one of the asshole cops opened the cell grabbed me and pulled me out using force for no reason other then being a fucking asshole and pulled me away. The shoved me into a back of a squad car.


"Alright says here that Ms. Athena henley murdered her parents then blew their place up. is there any objections?" the judge asked. " Yes sir, I object to all and your honor sir Mrs. Athena Henley is married " Mr.Hollins said "right well lets begins shall we" the judge said " actually your honor they charges has to be dropped" Mr. Hollins said the judge looked at him. "And what Mr. Hollins is that?" he asked "Well your honor when my client was arrest she was not given her Miranda rights, and when that is not read out to anyone that is being arrested all charges are automatically dropped" Mr.Hollins said "in what criminal books does it say that?" the judge said. and right off I knew he was bought off and freaking crooked. "Every single one since the trail of Miranda v Arizona" Mr. Hollins said. The Judge went to deny but there was no way they could when the jury was all nodding their heads inagreement and even the cop next to him was agreeing as well.

"Alright fine, I hear by dissmiss all charges against Athena Henley" he said then pounded his gavel and dismissed the court. I smiled and was let go. I whisped into Mr.Hollins ear every single one of the cops that manhandled me and bruised me names. I then allowed him to tak the pictures of their hanrd prints that was on my body as well as bruises. He told me he will get on with that case and let me know how it goes. I thanked him and so did Elijah before we left and headed home.

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